Does quantum mechanics determine what we see in the large-scale structure of the universe today? Centauri Dreams admits to finding the notion nonsensical until reading Brian Greene’s fine Fabric of the Cosmos (New York: Knopf, 2004), which explained the connection between the very small and what may exist on the macroscopic scale through the mechanism of cosmic inflation. In any case, it’s a fascinating thought that we may one day understand the earliest moments of the universe by applying quantum principles that might be observable in the large scale structures of the cosmos.

Physicist Raja Guhathakurta (University of California) has a go at issues like these in a presentation called “The Milky Way, Schrodinger’s Cat and You,” which was delivered as the September Keck Astronomy lecture. It’s a sign of the riches available through the digital world that we can now download Dr. Guhathakurta’s lecture through the kind offices of W. M. Keck Observatory in Mauna Kea (HI). Click here for the download, and ponder not only how helpful Keck’s outreach is but how much a note to the Observatory would encourage further efforts along these lines. Well done, Keck!

In addition to the Keck lecture, the latest listening in these parts has been the Feynman Lectures on Physics, available through and consisting of audio recorded early in the 1960’s at the California Institute of Technology. For that matter, Centauri Dreams got acquainted with Greene’s Fabric of the Cosmos on audio from the same source, a reminder that the resources available for self-education have never been more numerous. We need to encourage other institutions to distribute class lectures, conference proceedings and other quality material in easily downloadable format.