How unlikely would it be to find a 200-year old person? That's the comparison astronomer Lee Hartmann (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) is using in talking about a dust disk around a pair of red dwarf stars. The disk looks conventional enough -- as examined by the Spitzer Space Telescope, its inner edge is about 65 million miles from the binary stars, and it seems to extend outward for 650 million miles. That kind of disk should lead, according to current theory, to planetary formation within a few million years. But the disk in question has been estimated to be 25 million years old, and it shows no evidence whatsoever of having created a planetary system. In fact, a dust disk that old shouldn't exist at all; most newborn stars show no dust disks after just a few million years. All that material has by that time gone into the making of full-sized planets. Image: Astronomers were surprised to discover a 25-million-year-old protoplanetary disk around a pair of red dwarf...
Comet Tempel 1 Quickly Returns to Normal
Of the many things demonstrated by the Deep Impact mission to comet Tempel 1, the evolution of astronomy is not the least significant. Gone are the days of the isolated mountain-top observer painstakingly examining photographic plates whose findings might be corroborated only weeks or months later by other astronomers. During the Deep Impact mission, the European Southern Observatory used every modern communications tool in the book as part of a collaboration between all major observatories worldwide. The result: round the clock data through a wide variety of instruments both Earth and space-based, making Deep Impact a hugely successful example of distributed astronomy -- 'distributed' as in 'distributed computing,' where powerful resources share their capabilities to produce a result far greater than any one of them could achieve. From all this, we know that Tempel 1 was not significantly transformed by the Deep Impact collision. In fact, the impactor evidently did not create a...
Planet of the Triple Suns
A planet with three suns in its sky staggers the imagination -- how can a stable orbit exist for such a world? In fact, the only references are science fictional, which is why Maciej Konacki, a senior postdoctoral scholar in planetary science at Caltech, refers to the first such planet to be found as a 'Tatooine' planet. The name is a nod to Luke Skywalker's home world in the first of the Star Wars movies. An earlier science fiction reference might be Stanton Coblentz' Under the Triple Suns (1955), one of the few novels to posit planets around star systems this complicated. But Konacki isn't writing science fiction. He found his Jupiter-sized planet around the triple star system HD 188753 using a new method of measurement that lets him examine stellar velocities even in close multiple-star systems. Such systems have generally been avoided by planet hunters because precision velocity measurements are much easier to make around single stars, and also because theory suggested that...
Hyperion: An Other-Worldly Rubble Pile
Each new world we visit offers a different perspective on how planets and their moons form. Consider Saturn's moon Hyperion, the density of which now appears to be only about 60 percent that of solid water ice. What that means is that much of the moon's interior -- 40 percent or more -- is made up of empty space, so that Hyperion is not so much a solid body as a conglomeration of icy rubble. The Hubble images acquired between June 9 and 11 confirm this estimate, showing an object that looks almost sponge-like, bearing the imprint of countless craters which seem relatively recent. What we can gather from all this is that Hyperion is a moon that is pushing a critical limit beyond which the internal pressure of its gravity would start to crush weaker materials, closing up those porous spaces and establishing the more familiar spherical shape of larger bodies. Hyperion's diameter (adjusting for its irregular shape) is 360 x 280 x 225 km (223 x 174 x 140 miles). We'll have a much closer...
New Work on NASA Interstellar Probe
Designing a mission to interstellar space is a long-term process. Indeed, NASA's early work on the concept dates back to studies like the Interstellar Precursor Mission developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1977, and the later Thousand Astronomical Unit mission, both designed to penetrate as far as 1000 AU into nearby interstellar space. These two missions were envisioned as operating with nuclear-electric propulsion, though solar sails were also under consideration. An early driver for this work was the conference "Missions Beyond the Solar System," held at JPL in 1976. We have yet to develop a fixed interstellar precursor probe design, but the concept continues to evolve. NASA's last interstellar probe review (1999) was based on solar sail technology, but solar thermal, nuclear thermal and nuclear electric propulsion have remained on the table. Now another interesting propulsion alternative has surfaced, using low-thrust but continuous propulsion delivered by a...
Cometary Dust a Fine Powder
Tempel 1, the comet that slammed into the Deep Impact probe on July 4, is three miles wide by seven miles long, and evidently coated with a fine, powdery dust. That dust, says Deep Impact principal investigator Dr. Michael A'Hearn of the University of Maryland, is more like talcum powder than beach sand. "The major surprise was the opacity of the plume the impactor created and the light it gave off," said A'Hearn, adding "And the surface is definitely not what most people think of when they think of comets -- an ice cube." Meanwhile, the immense data recovery and analysis process continues. 4500 images were taken by the spacecraft's three cameras, with the memory of the impactor's plunge into the comet's nucleus still fresh. The final images from the impactor showed surface detail down to the level of four-meter objects, a factor of ten better than any previous comet mission. And we now know that the impactor hit the nucleus at a 25 degree oblique angle relative to the cometary...
Seeing Terrestrial Worlds from Earth
Big mirrors make all the difference in optical astronomy. A 100 meter telescope (compensating for atmospheric disturbances) could separate two points on the moon two meters apart. Compare that to the 95 meters the Hubble Space Telescope can resolve and you can see that there is a case for Earth-based optical searches for planets around other stars. But how do we build such gigantic mirrors? Today's most advanced designs -- 8 to 10-meter instruments -- are created around mirrors that were constructed from smaller mirror segments. They use computers to achieve the needed fine-tuning so that the mirrored parts act like a single surface. Stepping this technology up to the 100-meter level, as astronomers in Europe are now discussing, would open up the search for terrestrial worlds around hundreds of nearby stars. As examined earlier in these pages, a 100-meter telescope should be able to detect Earth-like planets around stars as far as 100 light years away, a sphere containing some 1000...
New World Casts Light on Planetary Formation
A planet circling the star HD 149026 is certainly not the most massive extrasolar world we've discovered. But it does take honors on one count: it boasts the largest solid core ever found. Detected by a consortium of American, Japanese and Chilean astronomers, the planet is roughly equal to Saturn in mass though significantly smaller in diameter. It is being studied not only by analyzing its gravitational effects on HD 149026, but also by virtue of the fact that it transits the face of the star, dimming the starlight and allowing much more extensive measurements of its size, mass and density. Located some 250 light years from Earth, the planet takes 2.87 days to circle its primary. Modeling its structure provides indications that the new planet's core is 70 times the mass of the Earth. And that gets us into interesting territory, for it has implications for our theories about how planets form. The so-called 'core accretion' theory of planet formation says that planets begin as small...
‘An Incandescent Photo Flash’
Scientists now believe that Deep Impact's 820-pound impactor vaporized deep inside comet Tempel 1's surface when the collision took place on July 4. Moving at 23,000 miles per hour, the impact would have been severe, generating temperatures of several thousand degrees Kelvin, and creating what Dr. Pete Schultz of Brown University calls "...our own incandescent photo flash." Even 50 minutes after Tempel 1 and the impactor collided, the visual effects were still striking, as shown in this spectacular photo from the flyby probe. In the second photograph, taken from the impactor probe, the comet is seen in startling detail. Note the topographical features, which include what may be ancient impact craters and a variety of ridge lines. Clearly, Deep Impact wasn't the first object to hit this comet! Image credit for both photos: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UMD. Meanwhile, x-rays from Tempel 1 have been confirmed by the XMM-Newton space observatory. Previous observations of comets had suggested that...
Initial Results from Deep Impact
The Hubble images below (click to enlarge) give an idea of the size of the Deep Impact event. At left is the comet Tempel 1 before the collision. In the middle image, taken 15 minutes after impact, the comet is four times brighter than before and shows a substantially increased cloud of dust and gas. The image at far right was taken over an hour after the collision. Note the fan shape of the ejecta -- the debris, according to this Hubble news release, is pushing outward at about 1800 kilometers per hour. Image: The potato-shaped comet is 14 kilometres wide and 4 kilometres long. Tempel 1's nucleus is too small even for the Hubble telescope to resolve. These visible-light images were taken by the Advanced Camera for Surveys' High Resolution Camera. Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA). Data from Deep Impact continue to accumulate. Images taken by ESA's XMM-Newton observatory (an x-ray observatory based in space) show the emissions of hydroxyl ions, the direct...
‘A Spectacular Impact’
Deep Impact gave mission scientists what they bargained for -- and more-- when its impactor collided with comet Tempel 1 last night. The collision occurred at 0152 EDT (0652 GMT), with the first image returning at 0157. Calling the impact 'spectacular,' principal investigator Dr. Michael A'Hearn of the University of Maryland, College Park added, ""With this much data we have a long night ahead of us, but that is what we were hoping for. There is so much here it is difficult to know where to begin." Note the use of autonomous navigation aboard the impactor, which was released from the mothership at 0207 EDT (0607 GMT) on the 3rd. On its own, the impactor needed to make three targeting maneuvers as it closed on the comet, the first of these 90 minutes before impact, followed by two more at 35 and 12.5 minutes respectively. The result: a 10 kilometer per second collision with the comet, while the mothership monitored events from nearby, and legions of telescopes followed the action from...
Deep Impact Deploys Impactor
Deep Impact successfully released its 820-pound impactor this morning at 2:07 EDT (0607 GMT), some 880,000 kilometers from the Tempel 1 comet. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory has also reported that six hours before release of the impactor, the spacecraft performed a successful trajectory correction, using a 30-second burn to change Deep Impact's velocity by about one kilometer per hour. Another burn occurred twelve minutes after impactor release, when the flyby spacecraft began a 14-minute burn designed to move it out of the path of the oncoming comet and place it in the best position to observe the impact. Image: One hundred and seventy-one days into its 172-day journey to comet Tempel 1, NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft successfully released its impactor at 2:07 a.m. Sunday, Eastern Daylight Time. This image of Deep Impact's impactor probe was taken by the mission's mother ship, or flyby spacecraft, after the two separated. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech.
Deep Impact on Final Approach
No one knows quite what to expect when the Deep Impact probe slams into comet Tempel 1, but countless amateur astronomers plan to be watching to see if the comet brightens following the collision. And it might, given the amount of material that could be dislodged by the event. A telescope or set of binoculars will probably be required, although dedicated skywatchers can still see the spot in the sky where the big event will occur even without the aid of such equipment. The time of impact is 1:52 EDT (0552 GMT) on the morning of July 4, a time when the comet will be best placed for viewing from the American southwest, although Kelly Beatty, executive editor of SKY & TELESCOPE magazine, is now saying that anyone west of the Mississippi has a good chance of seeing it. From a news release just issued by the magazine, here is where to look: After dark, find Jupiter shining high in the southwest. It's the brightest "star" in that part of the sky (brighter Venus sets in the west-northwest...
Pulsars for Deep Space Navigation
Getting an interstellar probe to its target involves navigation of a high order. 'Marker' stars -- stars that are both bright and distant enough to have relatively fixed positions for the duration of the journey -- often show up in the scientific literature. Thus Rigel and Antares, both of which are far larger than the Sun, are attractive markers. Rigel (Beta Orionis) is some 800 light years distant, while Antares (Alpha Scorpii) is over 500 light years away. Are there other, better kinds of markers? Perhaps so, according to the European Space agency. ESA, through its Ariadna initiative, is homing in on using pulsars for navigation. Ariadna operates under ESA's Advanced Concepts Team to study new space technologies through linkages with the European academic community; it's a way to strengthen the agency's ties with independent researchers. As in the US, creating such connections is tricky business, but Ariadna is already doing interesting work, as its new study on pulsars suggests....
Enormous Outburst Seen by Deep Impact
All the observing time on comet Tempel 1 as the Deep Impact spacecraft approaches is really paying off. Scrutinized by ground and space-based telescopes, the comet was seen to emit a small outburst of materials on June 14. Now Deep Impact has seen a much more massive ejection of ice and other particles that occurred on June 22. Although six times larger than the earlier one, the new outburst dissipated quickly, within about half a day. Intriguingly, the spectrometer aboard Deep Impact showed that the amount of water vapor in the coma doubled during this event, while the amount of other gases, including carbon dioxide, increased even more. From a University of Maryland news release, quoting Michael A'Hearn, who leads the Deep Impact mission: "Outbursts such as this may be a very common phenomenon on many comets, but they are rarely observed in sufficient detail to understand them because it is normally so difficult to obtain enough time on telescopes to discover such phenomena," said...
Planet Formation Around TW Hydrae
If you want to see planet building happening before your eyes, turn your attention to TW Hydrae. Located 180 light years from the Sun in the constellation Hydra (the water snake), TW Hydrae is ten million years old, a celestial infant, with a mass four-fifths that of the Sun. Now researchers have discovered that the protoplanetary disk surrounding it contains more than enough material to form at least one and probably more Jupiter sized planets. Behind the new study are David Wilner (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) and colleagues, whose work was just published in the June 20, 2005, issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters. The team has shown that a vast swarm of pebbles extending out a billion miles from the star is in the early stages of planet formation. The small objects, according to current models, should grow in size as they continue to collide and eventually form planets. "We're seeing planet building happening right before our eyes," said Wilner. "The...
Hubble Sees Activity on Comet Tempel-1
Here's the Deep Impact target, as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope in a dramatic set of images that show a jet of dust blowing away from the comet's nucleus. At the time the photos were taken -- seven hours apart on June 14 -- Hubble was 120 million kilometers away; the images come from the space observatory's Advanced Camera for Surveys' High Resolution Camera. Tempel 1, it is hoped, will provide an even more spectacular show when Deep Impact reaches it on July 4, releasing an 820 lb. copper impactor that will slam into the comet. The image on the left shows the comet before the new jet formed. In the center of the image, the bright dot is the reflection of light off the comet's nucleus, which is too small at these distances for Hubble to resolve. The nucleus is thought to be about 14 kilometers wide and 4 kilometers long, about as hard to see, according to an ESA press release, " someone trying to spot a potato in Stockholm from Madrid." At the right, a bright area in the...
Remembering ‘Gateway to Strangeness’
One of the earliest appearances of solar sails in the American science fiction magazines was Jack Vance's "Gateway to Strangeness." Appearing in the August, 1962 issue of Amazing Stories (two years after Cordwainer Smith's solar sail story, "The Lady Who Sailed the Soul," ran in Galaxy), the oddly named tale is actually an account of a young crew being put through its training aboard a solar sail-powered spacecraft. Invariably, they run into trouble, and are forced to find a way out of their life-threatening dilemma by the hard-as-nails Henry Belt, a space veteran who just might be on his last mission. The story later appeared with a title more suited to its content -- "Sail 25" -- in Vance's Dust of Far Suns (1964) and in a number of later anthologies, including The Best of Jack Vance (1976). Here's a snippet, recounting the crew's work in getting their ship ready for its mission by setting up and securing the huge sail: "Around the hull swung the gleaming hoop, and now the carrier...
Getting Ready for Deep Impact
What can you do with a vertical gun range? NASA's Ames Research Center has one, a three story tall machine that fires objects into the surface of your choice. Of late, Brown University professor of geology Peter Schultz has been using it to fire marble-sized beads into surfaces ranging from dust to ice and snow. Moving faster than a speeding bullet -- ten times as fast -- the objects create craters, and craters are something Schultz has made a career studying. As you might imagine, this expertise has caught NASA's eye, and the agency hopes to use Schultz' work to analyze the results of the fireworks set to go off on July 4, when comet Tempel 1 runs headlong into the Deep Impact probe. The professor is one of 13 co-investigators overseeing the mission, which is designed to study what comes out of the comet when the spacecraft's 820-pound copper impactor separates from the mothership and becomes a cometary target. From a Brown University news release: "This is heady stuff," Schultz...
Debris Disk Reveals Hidden Planet
An unseen planet is the cause of the unusual geometry of a dusty ring around the star Fomalhaut (HD 216956). So say University of California at Berkeley scientists after examining a detailed, visible light image from the Hubble Space Telescope's Advanced Camera for Surveys. What's striking about the image isn't the ring itself, but the fact that it seems to be offset, evidently the result of the hidden planet reshaping the ring with its gravitational pull. The suspected planet is thought to be orbiting far away from Fomalhaut, along the ring's inner edge, making it anywhere from 4.7 billion to 6.5 billion miles away from the star. What the Hubble observations show is that the ring's inner edge is much sharper than its outer one, a sign that the ring is being gravitationally shaped by the unseen body. Another key pointer: the ring's unusually narrow width, some 2.3 billion miles. It would be much more diffuse without an object keeping it confined. Image: The top view, taken by NASA's...