Frank Drake’s famous equation, first outlined at the Green Bank Conference in 1961, tries to estimate the number of civilizations in our galaxy with which communications might be possible. Such attempts are obviously speculative, but Drake concentrated on factors like the number of habitable planets, the fraction of those that contain life, and the fraction of those on which civilizations eventually appear. The equation in its entirety looks like this:

Drake Equation

Here, N is the number of civilizations with communications potential in the galaxy, with R* the rate of star formation, fp the fraction of stars with planets, ne the number of planets that can support life per system, fl the fraction of planets that develop life, fi the fraction that develop intelligent life, fc the fraction that go on to communicate and L the life time of a technological civilization.

Zsolt Hetesi and Zsolt Regály (Eötvös University, Budapest) discuss the kind of civilizations that may emerge in a recent paper. As far as SETI goes, the real number of interest will always be the number of extraterrestrial civilizations with which we can actually make contact.

Curiously, the authors leave the existing fc variable out of their version of the equation, but they do go on to discuss the need for it, painting three types of extraterrestrial cultures: utterly silent civilizations, ‘talker’ societies (those that start communication in the middle age of their total lifetimes) and ‘colonizer’ civilizations (those for whom the communication phase is short because they later choose not to be observed). Clarifying such factors plays a major role in the equation’s outcome, but as with many of its variables, we lack the information to plug in correct values.

Nor is our understanding of the conditions under which life can form anything but fragmentary. We may learn that a Jupiter-class planet in the outer system is needed to reduce the number of objects striking the inner system. Similarly, the Moon’s effect on our planet may have been key to life’s formation, affecting not only the tides but Earth’s crust, since it is now believed that the Moon came from an ancient collision that broke it away from the Earth. The resulting thinner crust resulted in a system of plate tectonics that allowed internal heat to dissipate slowly rather than through catastrophic events (think Venus, whose thick crust seems to undergo periodic crustal melting).

Moreover, the authors believe the equation needs to take into account the kind of communications possible between civilizations. For SETI work, electromagnetic waves are usually assumed to be the method, but their speed limits the distance within which we can reasonably hope to establish contact with another civilization. Thus the Drake equation needs a factor that acknowledges the volume of the sphere of radio signaling useful for SETI. This and a better of understanding of galactic habitable zones could reduce the Drake results by a much steeper factor.

Indeed, Hetesi and Regály find huge problems with the very notion of SETI. From the paper:

If evolution is the correct theory for the emergence of life on Earth, then SETI will be one of the weakest and most dangerous enterprises of mankind. It is weak because the line of evolution is so circuitous that the expectations for the existence of other intelligent beings in our Galaxy are not well founded. It is dangerous because natural selection augurs nothing good for us in an encounter if intelligent (but evolution-made) ETIs exist. Evolution results in species that are conditioned for survival at the expense of others.

Last but not least we should mention that those who are committed to SETI ought to think through the problem of communication. It is a known fact from the philosophy of epistemology that our species cannot communicate with other species intelligently and we do not understand the process of communication well or the process of thinking. The assumption that we shall communicate with an extraterrestrial species is only a dream.

The paper is Hetesi and Regály, “A New Interpretation of Drake-Equation,” Journal of the British Interplanetary Society Vol. 59 (2006), pp. 11-14. It’s a gloomy assessment, but one that might be read as a balance to Frank Drake’s own recent thoughts. Looking at the new interest in M-class red dwarfs as possible homes to life, Drake says this: “We used to think N was about 10,000. Now I think it could be a great deal larger. To find out, we must point our radio telescopes at new targets. We have to look between stars – there could be friendly rogues calling from the gossamer swath of the Milky Way. There might be planets nestled near cold, tiny stars, where intelligent creatures would have no concept of day or night. And I wonder, do these Camelotians ever sleep?” That’s from a Wired Magazine article Drake wrote in 2004, reminding us that the range of intelligent opinions on the value of N is nowhere near settling down.