Looking for new Kuiper Belt targets for the New Horizons spacecraft pays off in multiple ways. While we can hope to find another Arrokoth for a flyby, the search also contributes to our understanding of the dynamics of the Kuiper Belt and the distribution of comets in the inner Oort Cloud. Looking at an object from Earth or near-Earth orbit is one thing, but when we can collect data on that same object with a spacecraft moving far from the Sun, we extend the range of discovery. And that includes learning new things about KBOs that are already cataloged, as a new paper on observations with the Subaru Telescope makes clear.

The paper, in the hands of lead author Fumi Yoshida (Chiba Institute of Technology) and colleagues, points to Quaoar and the use of New Horizons data in spawning further research. A key aspect of this work is the phase angle as the relative position of the object changes with different observing methods.

One of the unique perspectives of observing KBOs from a spacecraft flying through the Kuiper Belt is that they can be observed with a significantly larger solar phase angle, and from a much closer distance, compared with ground-based or Earth-based observation. For example, the New Horizons spacecraft observed the large classical KBO (50000) Quaoar at solar phase angles of 51°, 66°, 84°, and 94° (Verbiscer et al. 2022). Ground-based observation can only provide data at small solar phase angles (≲2°). The combination of observations at large and small solar phase angles provides us with knowledge of the surface reflectance of the object and enables us to infer information about a KBO’s surface properties in detail (e.g., Porter et al. 2016; Verbiscer et al. 2018, 2019, 2022).

In the new paper, the Subaru Telescope’s Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) is the source of data that is sharpening our view of the Kuiper Belt through wide and deep imaging observations Located at the telescope’s prime focus, HSC involves over 100 CCDs covering a 1.5 degree field of view. Early results from Yoshida’s work support the idea that we can think in terms of extending the Kuiper Belt, whose outer edge seems to end abruptly at around 50 AU. This adds weight to recent work with the New Horizons team’s Student Dust Counter (SDC), which has been measuring dust beyond Neptune and Pluto. The SDC results point to such an extension. See the citation below, and you might also want to check New Horizons: Mapping at System’s Edge in these pages.

Other planetary systems also raise the question of why our outer debris belt should be as limited as it has been thought to be. Says Yoshida:

“Looking outside of the Solar System, a typical planetary disk extends about 100 au from the host star (100 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun), and the Kuiper Belt, which is estimated to extend about 50 au, is very compact. Based on this comparison, we think that the primordial solar nebula, from which the Solar System was born, may have extended further out than the present-day Kuiper Belt.”

If it does turn out that our system’s early planetary disk was relatively small, this could be the result of outer objects like the much discussed (and still unknown) Planet 9. The distribution of objects in this region thus points to the evolution of the Solar System, with the implication that further discoveries will flesh out our view of the process.

The Subaru work was focused on two fields along New Horizon’s trajectory, an area of sky equivalent to about 18 full moons. Using these datasets, drawn from thirty half-nights of observations, the New Horizons science team has been able to find more than 240 objects. The new paper pushes these findings further by studying the same observations with different analytical tools, using JAXA software called the Moving Object Detection System, which normally is deployed for spotting near-Earth objects. Out of 84 KBO candidates, seven new objects have emerged whose orbits can be traced. Two of these have been assigned provisional designations by the Minor Planet Center of the International Astronomical Union.

Image: Schematic diagram showing the orbits of the two discovered objects (red: 2020 KJ60, purple: 2020 KK60). The plus symbol represents the Sun, and the green lines represent the orbits of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, from the inside out. The numbers on the vertical and horizontal axes represent the distance from the Sun in astronomical units (au, one au corresponds to the distance between the Sun and the Earth). The black dots represent classical Kuiper Belt objects, which are thought to be a group of icy planetesimals that formed in situ in the early Solar System and are distributed near the ecliptic plane. The gray dots represent outer Solar System objects with a semi-major axis greater than 30 au. These include objects scattered by Neptune, so they extend far out, and many have orbits inclined with respect to the ecliptic plane. The circles and dots in the figure represent their positions on June 1, 2024. Credit: JAXA.

The semi-major axes of the two provisionally designated objects are greater than 50 AU, pointing to the possibility that as such observations continue, we will be able to extend the edge of the Kuiper Belt. Further work using the HSC is ongoing.

Image: An example of detection by JAXA’s Moving Object Detection System. Moving objects are detected from 32 images of the same field taken at regular time intervals (the images in the orange frames in the above figure). Assuming the velocity range of Kuiper Belt objects, each image is shifted slightly in any direction and then stacked. The green, light blue, and black framed images are the result of stacking 2 images each, 8 images each, and 32 images, respectively. If there is a light source in the center of a single image as well as each of the overlapping images, it is considered a real object. (Credit: JAXA)

Observations of tiny objects at these distances are fraught with challenges at any time, but the authors take note of the fact that while their datasets cover the period between May 2020 and June 2021 (the most recently released datasets), their particular focus is on the June 2020 and June 2021 data. This marks the time when the observation field was close to opposition; i.e., directly opposite the Sun as seen from Earth. At opposition the objects should be brightest and their motion across the sky most accurately measured.

Additional datasets are in the pipeline and will be analyzed when they are publicly released. The authors intend to adjust their software in a computationally intensive way that will bring more accurate results near field stars that can otherwise confuse a detection. They also plan to deploy a machine-learning framework as the effort continues. Meanwhile, New Horizons presses on, raising the question of its successor. Right now we have exactly one spacecraft in the Kuiper Belt. How and when will we build the probe that continues its work?

The paper is Yoshida et al., “A deep analysis for New Horizons’ KBO search images,” Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (May 29, 2024). Full text. The SDC paper is Doner et al., “New Horizons Venetia Burney Student Dust Counter Observes Higher than Expected Fluxes Approaching 60 au,” The Astrophysical Journal Letters Vol. 961, No. 2 (24 January 2024), L38 (abstract).