Put two massive galaxy clusters into collision and you have an astronomical laboratory for the study of dark matter, that much discussed and controversial form of matter that does not interact with light or a magnetic field. We learn about it through its gravitational effects on normal matter. In new work out of Caltech, two such clusters, each of them containing thousands of galaxies, are analyzed as they move through each other. Using data from observations going back decades, the analysis reveals dark and normal matter velocities decoupling as a result of the collision.

Collisions on galactic terms have profound effects on the vast stores of gas that lie between individual galaxies, causing the gas to become roiled by the ongoing passage. Counter-intuitively, though, the galaxies themselves are scarcely affected simply because of the distances between them, and for that matter between the individual stars that make up each.

We need to keep an eye on work like this because according to the paper in the Astrophysical Journal, so little of the matter in these largest structures in the universe is in the form we understand. That’s a telling comment on how much work we have ahead if we are to make sense of the structure of a cosmos we would like to explore. In fact, the authors make the case that only 15 percent of the mass in the clusters under study is normal matter, most of it in the form of hot gas but also locked up in stars and planets. That would make 85 percent of the cluster mass dark matter.

The clusters in question are tagged with the collective name MACS J0018.5+1626. All matter, including dark matter, interacts through gravity, while normal matter is also responsive to electromagnetism. That means that normal matter slows down in these clusters as the gas between the individual galaxies becomes turbulent and superheated, while the dark matter within the clusters moves ahead in the absence of electromagnetic effects. Lead author Emily Silich (a Caltech grad student working with principal investigator Jack Sayers) likens the effect to that of a collision between dump trucks carrying sand. “The dark matter is like the sand and flies ahead.”

Image: This artist’s concept shows what happened when two massive clusters of galaxies, collectively known as MACS J0018.5+1626, collided: The dark matter in the galaxy clusters (blue) sailed ahead of the associated clouds of hot gas, or normal matter (orange). Both dark matter and normal matter feel the pull of gravity, but only the normal matter experiences additional effects like shocks and turbulence that slow it down during collisions. Credit: W.M. Keck Observatory/Adam Makarenko.

Some years back we looked at the two colliding galaxy clusters known collectively as the Bullet Cluster (see A Gravitational Explanation for Dark Matter). There, the behavior of the component materials of the clusters has been analyzed in the study of dark matter, but the clusters are seen from Earth with a spatial separation. In the case of MACS J0018.5, the clusters are oriented such that one is moving toward us, the other away. These challenging observations made it possible to analyze the velocity differential between dark and normal matter for the first time in a cluster collision.

Caltech’s Sayers explains:

“With the Bullet Cluster, it’s like we are sitting in a grandstand watching a car race and are able to capture beautiful snapshots of the cars moving from left to right on the straightway. In our case, it’s more like we are on the straightway with a radar gun, standing in front of a car as it comes at us and are able to obtain its speed.”

I’m reminded of my previous post on Chris Lintott’s book, where the astrophysicist takes note of the role of surprise in astronomy. In this case, the scientists used the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect (SZE), a distortion of the cosmic microwave background spectrum caused by scattering of photons off high-energy electrons, to measure the speed of the normal matter in the clusters. With the two clusters moving in opposite directions as viewed from Earth, untangling the effects took Silich to data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory (another reminder of why Chandra’s abilities, in this case to measure extreme temperatures of interstellar gas, are invaluable).

Adds Sayers:

“We had this complete oddball with velocities in opposite directions, and at first we thought it could be a problem with our data. Even our colleagues who simulate galaxy clusters didn’t know what was going on. And then Emily got involved and untangled everything.”

Nice work! The analysis tapped many Earth- and space-based facilities. Data from the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO), now being relocated from Maunakea to Chile, go back fully twenty years. The European Space Agency’s Herschel and Planck observatories, along with the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment in Chile, were critical to the analysis, and data from the Hubble Space Telescope were used to map the dark matter through gravitational lensing. With the clusters moving through each other at 3000 kilometers per second – one percent of the speed of light – collisions like these are in Silich’s words “the most energetic phenomena since the Big Bang.”

Dark matter explains many phenomena including galaxy rotation curves, which imply more mass than we can see, and gravitational lensing has been used to show that visible mass is insufficient to explain the lensing effect. But we still don’t know what this stuff is, assuming it is real and not a demonstration of our need to refine General Relativity through theories like Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND). What we need is direct detection of dark matter particles, an ongoing effort whose resolution will shape our understanding of galactic structure and conceivably point to new physics.

The paper is Silich et al. 2024. “ICM-SHOX. I. Methodology Overview and Discovery of a Gas–Dark Matter Velocity Decoupling in the MACS J0018.5+1626 Merger,” Astrophysical Journal 968 (2): 74. Full text.