A favorite editor of mine long ago told me never to begin an article with a question, but do I ever listen to her? Sometimes. Today’s lead question, then, is this: Can we expand communications over interstellar distances to include quantum methods? A 2020 paper by Arjun Berera (University of Edinburgh) makes the case for quantum coherence over distances that have only recently been suggested for communications:

…We have been able to deduce that quantum teleportation and more generally quantum coherence can be sustained in space out to vast interstellar distances within the Galaxy. The main sources of decoherence in the Earth based experiments, atmospheric turbulence and other environmental effects like fog, rain, smoke, are not present in space. This leaves only the elementary particle interactions between the transmitted photons and particles present in the interstellar medium.

Quantum coherence is an important matter; it refers to the integrity of the quantum state involved, and is thus essential to the various benefits of quantum communications. But let’s back up by tackling a new paper from another University of Edinburgh researcher, Latham Boyle. Working at the Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics there, Boyle cites Berera’s work and moves on to explore quantum communications at the interstellar level and their application to SETI questions.

Traditional communications involve bits in one of two states, 0 or 1. Quantum bits, or qubits, can exist in superposition, meaning that a qubit can represent a 0 or a 1 simultaneously. Here I pause to remind all of us of the famous Richard Feynman quote: “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.” Which is in no way to play down the ongoing work to explore the subject, given its mathematical precision and the fact that experiments involving quantum physics produce results. Thus another famous quote attributed to David Mermin: “Shut up and calculate.”

In other words, use quantum mechanics to get results because it works, and stop getting distracted by the philosophical issues it raises. I am trying to do this now, but philosophy keeps rearing its head. The specter of George Berkeley wanders by…

But back to quantum methods and interstellar information exchange. The Berera paper makes the case that at certain frequency ranges, photon qubits can maintain their quantum coherence over conceivably intergalactic distances. Fully understood or not, quantum communications opens up a wide range of effects that are interesting in the interstellar context. Boyle notes that protocols based on quantum communication offer exponentially faster performance for specific ranges of problems and tasks.

Let’s drill further into quantum benefits. From the paper:

First, it is already known to permit many tasks that are impossible with classical communication alone, including quantum cryptography [10, 11], quantum teleportation [12], superdense coding [13], remote state preparation [14], entanglement distillation/purification [15–17], or direct transmission of (potentially highly complex, highly entangled) quantum states (e.g. the results of complex quantum computations). Second, protocols based on quantum communication are exponentially faster than those based on classical communication for some problems/tasks [18], in particular as measured by the one-way classical communication complexity [19–21] (the number of bits that must be transmitted one-way, from sender to receiver, to solve a problem or carry out a task – possibly the notion most pertinent to interstellar communication).

Boyle explores these advantages and associated problems through the quantum capacity of a quantum communication channel, constraining this by examining the properties of the interstellar medium in light of what are known as quantum erasure channels, which model error correction and channel carrying capacity. The question is: How much information can be reliably carried over a quantum channel even if some photons are lost in the process? And it turns out that these constraints mean that the choice of frequency bands is critical.

Image: This is Figure 1 from the paper. Caption: Quantum communication with Q > 0, over distance L, is impossible at wavelengths where the horizontal line corresponding to L lies within the blue shaded region (summarizing the Milky Way ISM’s extinction curve). Gray regions are off limits from the ground. Adapted from [23, 26], with data from [30–37]. Credit: Latham Boyle.

The interstellar quantum communications channel Boyle studies is one in which photons can be erased in three different ways, the first being their absorption or scattering due to the interstellar medium between sender and receiver. Thus the pink line in the figure, indicating the frequency that a sender on Proxima Centauri would need to select to reach the Earth. A second problem is extinction within the Earth’s atmosphere, demanding a wavelength that avoids the gray bands of Figure 1 (hence the benefit of a receiver in space as opposed to Earth’s surface). Finally, photons can be lost due to the spreading of the photon beam as it moves between sender and receiver.

To avoid depolarization by the cosmic microwave background, the wavelength of our photon channel must be less than 26.5 cm (the frequency is about 1.13 GHz), but for communication between stars Boyle calculates that we need to get into the ultraviolet range, with wavelengths as short as 320 nm. Doing this makes our communications channel far more efficient, for we can work with a narrower beam, but having said that, we now run into trouble. Let me quote Boyle on one of several elephants in the room:

This third erasure constraint is the hardest to satisfy! Whereas classical communication (C > 0) can take place even if the receiver only receives a tiny fraction of the photons emitted by the sender, forward quantum communication (Q > 0) requires large enough telescopes that the sender can put the majority of their photons into the receiver’s telescope (Fig. 2b)! Even in the best case, taking the nearest star (Proxima Centauri, L = 1.30 parsec) and the shortest wavelength available from the ground (λ = 320nm, see Fig. 1), this implies D > 100 km!

We can pause here to note, as Boyle does, that the largest telescope currently under construction (ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope) has an aperture of 39 meters. To reach the staggering 100 km suggested by the author, we would have to explore coherently combined smaller dishes using optical interferometry. Boyle notes that quantum teleportation involving photons has been demonstrated at 100-kilometer baselines at sea level and 1000 km baselines from Earth to a satellite. Thus a ‘coherent dense array of optical telescopes over 100 km distances’ may be ultimately feasible. A great deal of research is ongoing on the subject of manipulating quantum states. The author notes work on quantum repeaters and quantum memories that may one day be enabling.

Why would a civilization want to use quantum communications methods given problems like this? For one thing, sending complex quantum calculations becomes possible in ways not available through classical communications. Remember that each qubit can exist in a superposition of states, manipulated by algorithms impossible on classical computers. Quantum error correction and quantum cryptography are among the other advantages of a communications channel based on quantum methods. In addition, extraordinarily high resolutions could be obtained by telescopes using astronomically long baseline interferometry (ALBI) via quantum repeaters.

An intriguing thought concludes the paper.

…we have seen that (setting aside the loopholes mentioned above) the sending and receiving telescopes must be extremely large, satisfying the inequality in Eq. (1); but this same inequality implies that, if the sender has a large enough telescope to communicate quantumly with us, they necessarily also have enough angular resolution to see that we do not yet have a sufficiently large receiving telescope [49], so it would make no sense to send any quantum communications to us until we had built one. Thus, the assumption that interstellar communication is quantum appears sufficient to explain the Fermi paradox.

So there you are. This method of information exchange demands such large telescopes that if an extraterrestrial civilization had them, they could quickly determine whether we had them. And because we don’t, there would certainly be no reason to send a signal to us if quantum methods were deemed necessary for a worthwhile exchange.

The paper is Boyle, “On Interstellar Quantum Communication and the Fermi Paradox” (preprint). The Berera paper is “Quantum coherence to interstellar distances,” Physical Review D 102 (9 September 2020), 063005 (abstract / preprint).