Every time I mention a Brian Aldiss novel, I have to be careful to check the original title against the one published in the US. The terrific novel Non-Stop (1958) became Starship in the States, rather reducing the suspense of decoding its strange setting. Hothouse (1962) became The Long Afternoon of Earth when abridged in the US following serialization in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. I much prefer the poetic US title with its air of brooding fin de siècle decline as Aldiss imagines our deep, deep future.

Imagine an Earth orbiting a Sun far hotter than it is today, a world where our planet is now tidally locked to that Sun, which Aldiss describes as “paralyzing half the heaven.” The planet is choked with vegetation so dense and rapidly evolving that humans are on the edge of extinction, living within a continent-spanning tree. The memory of reading all this always stays with me when I think about distant futures, which by most accounts involve an ever-hotter Sun and the eventual collapse of our biosphere.

Image: The dust jacket of the first edition of Brian Aldiss’ novel Hothouse.

Indeed, warming over the next billion years will inevitably affect the carbon-silicate cycle. Its regulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide is a process that takes CO2 all the way from rainfall through ocean sediments, their subduction into the mantle and the eventual return of CO2 to the atmosphere by means of volcanism. Scientists have thought that the warming Sun will cause CO2 to be drawn out of the atmosphere at rates sufficient to starve out land plants, spelling an end to habitability. That long afternoon of Earth, though, may be longer than we have hitherto assumed.

A new study now questions not only whether CO2 starvation is the greatest threat but also manages to extend the lifetime of a habitable Earth far beyond the generally cited one billion years. The scientists involved apply ‘global mean models,’ which help to analyze how vegetation affects the carbon cycle. Lead author Robert Graham (University of Chicago), working with colleagues at Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science, is attempting to better understand the mechanisms of plant extinction. Their new constraints on silicate weathering push the conclusion that the terrestrial biosphere will eventually succumb to temperatures near runaway greenhouse conditions. The biosphere dies from simple overheating rather than CO2 starvation.

The implications are intriguing and offer fodder for a new generation of science fiction writers working far-future themes. For in the authors’ models, the lifespan of our biosphere may be almost twice as long as has been previously expected. Decreases in plant productivity act to slow and eventually (if only temporarily) reverse the future decrease in CO2 as the Sun continues to brighten.

Here’s the crux of the matter: Rocks undergo weathering as CO2 laden rainwater carrying carbonic acid reacts with silicate minerals, part of the complicated process of sequestering CO2 in the oceans. The authors’ models show that if this process of silicate weathering is only weakly dependent on temperature – so that even large temperature changes have comparatively little effect – or strongly CO2 dependent, then “…progressive decreases in plant productivity can slow, halt, and even temporarily reverse the expected future decrease in CO2 as insolation continues to increase.”

From the paper:

Although this compromises the ability of the silicate weathering feedback to slow the warming of the Earth induced by higher insolation, it can also delay or prevent CO2 starvation of land plants, allowing the continued existence of a complex land biosphere until the surface temperature becomes too hot. In this regime, contrary to previous results, expected future decreases in CO2 outgassing and increases in land area would result in longer lifespans for the biosphere by delaying the point when land plants overheat.

How much heat can plants take? The paper cites a grass called Dichanthelium lanuginosum that grows in geothermal settings (with the aid of a symbiotic relationship with a fungus) as holding the record for survival, at temperatures as high as 338 K. The authors take this as the upper temperature limit for plants, adding this:

Importantly, with a revised thermotolerance limit for vascular land plants of 338 K, these results imply that the biotic feedback on weathering may allow complex land life to persist up to the moist or runaway greenhouse transition on Earth (and potentially Earth-like exoplanets). (Italics mine)

The long afternoon of Earth indeed. The authors point out that the adaptation of land plants (Aldiss’ continent-spanning tree, for example) could push their extinction to even later dates, limited perhaps by the eventual loss of Earth’s oceans.

…an important implication of our work is that the factors controlling Earth’s transitions into exotic hot climate states could be a primary control on the lifespan of the complex biosphere, motivating further study of the moist and runaway greenhouse transitions with 3D models. Generalizing to exoplanets, this suggests that the inner edge of the “complex life habitable zone” may be coterminous with the inner edge of the classical circumstellar habitable zone, with relevance for where exoplanet astronomers might expect to find plant biosignatures like the “vegetation red edge” (Seager et al. 2005).

The paper is Graham, Halevy & Abbot, “Substantial extension of the lifetime of the terrestrial biosphere,” accepted at Planetary Science Journal (preprint).