Putting AI to Work on Technosignatures

As a quick follow-up to yesterday’s article on quantifying technosignature data, I want to mention the SETI Institute’s invitation for applicants to the Davie Postdoctoral Fellowship in Artificial Intelligence for Astronomy. The Institute’s Vishal Gajjar and his collaborators both in the US and at IIT Tirupati in India will be working with the chosen candidate to focus on neural networks optimized for processing image data, so-called ‘CNN architectures’ that can uncover unusual signals in massive datasets. “Machine learning is transforming the way we search for exoplanets, allowing us to uncover hidden patterns in vast datasets,” says Gajjar. “This fellowship will accelerate the development of advanced AI tools to detect not just conventional planets, but also exotic and unconventional transit signatures including potential technosignatures.” As AI matures, the exploration of datasets is a critical matter as these results from missions like TESS and Kepler are packed with both...

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Quantifying the Chances of a Technosignature

It’s one thing to talk about technology as we humans know it, but applying it to hypothetical extraterrestrials is another matter. We have to paint with a broad brush here. Thus Jason Wright’s explanation of technosignatures as conceived by SETI scientists. The Penn State astronomer and astrophysicist defines technology in that context as “the physical manifestations of deliberate engineering.” That’s saying that a technology produces something that is in principle observable. Whether or not our current detection methods are adequate to the task is another matter. Image: Artist’s concept of an interesting radio signal from galactic center. But the spectrum of possible technosignature detections is broad indeed, extending far beyond radio. Credit: UCLA SETI Group/Yuri Beletsky, Carnegie Las Campanas Observatory. A technosignature need not be the sign of industrial or scientific activity. Consider: In a new paper in The Astronomical Journal, Sofia Sheikh (SETI Institute) and colleagues...

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A Fast Radio Burst in a Dead Elliptical Galaxy

Work is healing, so let’s get back to it. I’m enthralled with what we’re discovering as we steadily build our catalog of fast radio bursts (FRB), close to 100 of which have now been associated with a galaxy. These are transient radio pulses of short duration (down to a fraction of a millisecond, though some last several seconds), the first being found in 2007 by Duncan Lorimer, an astronomer at West Virginia University. Sometimes FRBs repeat, although many do not, and one is known to repeat on a regular basis. What kind of astrophysical processes might be driving such a phenomenon? The leading candidate appears to be supernovae in a state of core collapse, producing vast amounts of energy as stars more massive than the Sun end their lives. Out of such catastrophic events a type of neutron star called a magnetar may be produced, its powerful magnetic field pumping out X-ray and gamma ray radiation. Young, massive stars and regions of active star formation are implicated under this...

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Centauri Dreams to Resume Soon

I'd like to thank all of you who wrote comments and emails about the recent pause in Centauri Dreams. My beautiful wife Eloise passed away on January 17. It was as peaceful a death as can be imagined, and I am so pleased to say that she was able to stay at home until the end. As she had battled Alzheimer's for eleven gallant years, death was simply a bridge that now had to be crossed. As she did with everything else in her life, she did it with class. This is to let you know that I will be getting Centauri Dreams back into action again in about three weeks. When I began the site in 2004, my primary goal was to teach myself as much as I could about the topics we address by writing about them, which is how I've always tended to learn things. I've always welcomed comments that informed me, caught my errors and extended the discussion into new realms. No one could work with a better audience than the readers I've been privileged to address, and for this I am profoundly grateful.

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A Necessary Break

It's time to write a post I've been dreading to write for several years now. Some of my readers already know that my wife has been ill with Alzheimer's for eleven years, and I've kept her at home and have been her caregiver all the way. We are now in the final stages, it appears, and her story is about to end. I will need to give her all my caring and attention through this process, as I'm sure you'll understand. And while I have no intention of shutting down Centauri Dreams, I do have to pause now to devote everything I have to her. Please bear with me and with a bit of time and healing, I will be active once again.

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Recalibrating ‘Hot Jupiter’ Migration

What catches your eye in this description of an exoplanetary system? Start with a ‘hot Jupiter,’ with a radius 0.87 times that of our Jupiter and an orbit of 7.1 days. This is WASP-132b, confirmed in 2016, and first discovered through the labors of the Wide-Angle Search for Planets program. Subsequent confirmation came through the CORALIE spectrograph installed on the Euler telescope at the European Southern Observatory’s La Silla site. This world orbits a K-class star 403 light years out in Lupus. The CORALIE measurements gave hints of another giant planet in a long period orbit. The system came still further into focus in 2021, when observations from TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) showed a transiting super-Earth with a diameter of 1.8 Earth radii in a tight orbit of 1.01 days. The mass of the planet, as measured by the HARPS spectrograph at La Silla, is six times that of Earth. So we have both a hot-Jupiter and a super-Earth hugging the star, along with an outer gas...

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Planet Population around Orange Dwarfs

Last Friday’s post on K-dwarfs as home to what researchers have taken to calling ‘superhabitable’ worlds has caught the eye of Dave Moore, a long-time Centauri Dreams correspondent and author. Readers will recall his deep dives into habitability concepts in such essays as The “Habitability" of Worlds and Super Earths/Hycean Worlds, not to mention his work on SETI (see If Loud Aliens Explain Human Earliness, Quiet Aliens Are Also Rare). Dave sent this in as a comment but I asked him to post it at the top because it so directly addresses the topic of habitability prospects around K-dwarfs, based on a quick survey of known planetary systems. It's a back of the envelope overview, but one that implies habitable planets around stars like these may be more difficult to find than we think. by Dave Moore To see whether K dwarfs made a good target for habitable planets, I decided to look into the prevalence and type of planets around K dwarfs and got carried away looking at the specs for 500...

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Superhabitability around K-class Stars

We think of Earth as our standard for habitability, and thus the goal of finding an ‘Earth 2.0’ is to identify living worlds like ours orbiting similar Sun-like stars. But maybe Earth isn’t the best standard. Are there ways planets can be more habitable than our own, and if so where would we find them? That’s the tantalizing question posed in a paper by Iva Vilović (Technische Universität Berlin), René Heller (Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung) and colleagues in Germany and India. Heller has previously worked this issue in a significant paper with John Armstrong (citation below); see as well The Best of All Possible Worlds, which ran here in 2020. The term for the kind of world we are looking for is ‘superhabitable,’ and the aim of this study is to extend the discussion of K-class stars as hosts by modeling the atmospheres we may find on planets there. While much attention has focused on M-class red dwarfs, the high degree of flare activity coupled with long pre-main...

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A ‘Manhole Cover’ Beyond the Solar System?

Let’s start the year with a look back in time to 1957, a time when nuclear bombs were being tested underground for the first time at the Nevada test site some 105 kilometers northwest of Las Vegas. If this seems an unusual place to launch a discussion on interstellar matters, consider the story of an object that some argue became the fastest manmade artifact in history, an object moving so fast that it would have passed the orbit of Pluto four years after ‘launch,’ in the days of Yuri Gagarin and Project Mercury. I’m bringing it up because the tale of the nuclear test known as Plumbob Pascal B is again active on the Internet, and it’s a rousing tale. Operation Plumbob involved a series of 29 nuclear tests that fed the development of missile warheads both intercontinental and intermediate. The history of such underground nuclear testing would make for an interesting book and indeed it has, in the form of Caging the Dragon (Defense Nuclear Agency, 1995), by one James Carothers. But...

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In Centauri Dreams, Paul Gilster looks at peer-reviewed research on deep space exploration, with an eye toward interstellar possibilities. For many years this site coordinated its efforts with the Tau Zero Foundation. It now serves as an independent forum for deep space news and ideas. In the logo above, the leftmost star is Alpha Centauri, a triple system closer than any other star, and a primary target for early interstellar probes. To its right is Beta Centauri (not a part of the Alpha Centauri system), with Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon Crucis, stars in the Southern Cross, visible at the far right (image courtesy of Marco Lorenzi).

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