It’s time to write a post I’ve been dreading to write for several years now. Some of my readers already know that my wife has been ill with Alzheimer’s for eleven years, and I’ve kept her at home and have been her caregiver all the way. We are now in the final stages, it appears, and her story is about to end. I will need to give her all my caring and attention through this process, as I’m sure you’ll understand. And while I have no intention of shutting down Centauri Dreams, I do have to pause now to devote everything I have to her. Please bear with me and with a bit of time and healing, I will be active once again.
A Necessary Break
by Paul Gilster | Jan 16, 2025 | Uncategorized | 71 comments
God’s grace to both you and your wife, Paul.
You’ve written quite a bit lately about missions that carry deeper into time “the manifestations of our dreams” and “our values as a questioning species determined to confront the unknown.”
Centauri Dreams is one of those missions.
And it – and I’m certain that I speak for all, we – will be here.
Take care, of yours and of yourself, too.
My sympathies and best wishes for what will be a trying time. Thank you for all the posts you have done over the years. You have bought me a lot of knowledge in a subject I love. It is monumental body of work.
My heart goes out to you and yours in this time. Alzheimer’s is a terrible thing.
Paul, I only know you from reading and occasionally posting on this site. I’m in an earlier stage of this process with my mother.
Do what you need to do, and come back here if and when you can. It’s only a web site.
I am sorry to hear this. We will miss your thoughtful insights into the marvels of the Universe.
Take care of yourself in this difficult time.
You have my deepest sympathies and take all the time that you need.
Paul – you have established here a deeply engaged and engaging community. Given the care you have had for us, a community of strangers, it is clear that you will provide your wife the most loving and supportive care. Best wishes to you both and your family.
Paul, I am sorry to hear that. I wish you the most fortitude. Thank you for all these years at CD: you have uplifted our lives.
I’m really sorry to hear that. Best wishes to you and your wife.
All my best wishes for your wife´s last steps in this amazing journey.
I hope she will feel loved and cared until the very end, and the transition will be sweet.
Very sorry to hear that. Wishing you all the best. I enjoy your very blog very much. Take all the time off you need.
Dear Paul
Please know that all of our thoughts and prayers are with you always in this difficult time. You are not alone.
It is something that takes everything out of you to be able to bear it, but it is also a great honour to be able to take care of your loved one and help her retain as much dignity as this terrible condition will allow.
Please take care of yourself as well, take all the time that is necessary.
You have done great work here over the past two decades, and brought together an amazing group of minds from all over the world, and you are very much appreciated, valued and loved by all of us.
We will continue to dream, each one of us, and I do hope that we can find a way to continue sharing news, thoughts, wild ideas and dreams in our absence, even though it will not be nearly the same without you.
I will check on this blog regularly in case you wish to share any updates or just maybe gwt the urge to share something with us.
Kindest regards from South Africa
Thank you so much for all the inspiration, information, and entertainment you’ve given us in this site. Very best wishes for a peaceful and healing chapter of life for you and your wife, and for your eventual return to sci comm. Thank you again, and lots of respect.
There is no words that could help you and her now but god bless you. Your work on Centauri Dreams is much appreciated.
Appreciate all your hard work Paul and best wishes to you and your family during this difficult time.
Fortitude was a word that struck me from a comment above… see you on the other side of your journey
So very sorry to hear this.
Your work is monumental, and the fact that it was done while you were caring for your significant other only makes it more significant. Please recuperate as much as you need, knowing that your readers have you in their thoughts.
From stars back to stars, we’ll all be together again; one day. I wish you only the best, Paul, on comforting and guiding your wife on her final journey.