I’d like to thank all of you who wrote comments and emails about the recent pause in Centauri Dreams. My beautiful wife Eloise passed away on January 17. It was as peaceful a death as can be imagined, and I am so pleased to say that she was able to stay at home until the end. As she had battled Alzheimer’s for eleven gallant years, death was simply a bridge that now had to be crossed. As she did with everything else in her life, she did it with class.
This is to let you know that I will be getting Centauri Dreams back into action again in about three weeks. When I began the site in 2004, my primary goal was to teach myself as much as I could about the topics we address by writing about them, which is how I’ve always tended to learn things. I’ve always welcomed comments that informed me, caught my errors and extended the discussion into new realms. No one could work with a better audience than the readers I’ve been privileged to address, and for this I am profoundly grateful.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need.
I am so very sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for providing the most interesting content via Centauri Dreams. It truly keeps me going.
Comment *Le mie, più sincere condoglianze.
Saluti da Raffaele Antonio Tavani
My sincere condolences on the passing of your wife Paul, I know how you must be be feeling, it’s just over a year now since my wife passed a way after 3 and a half years suffering from cancer.
I enjoy reading your articles and look forward to reading them again soon.
Dear Paul
You have told us about this crushing event with your usual calm, poise, and clarity. I feel so sorry for you. Please take as long as you need before returning to your role as our great explainer.
You have my condolences as well. Alzheimer’s is a vile disease that destroys the very soul of its victim. It must have been a terrible ordeal for both your wife and you and the rest of her family. It’s something that no one should have to suffer through. We can’t find a cure for this plague soon enough.
My deepest condolences.
Paul, I am so very sorry to read that your have lost your soulmate and my thoughts are with you at this very stressful and distressing time. I understand that after battling 11 years with one of the cruellest conditions nature can inflict Eloise’s passing must be bitter sweet – the end of suffering and the heartache that created, but also the loss of someone dear.
What is important is that you “heal”, that you do not worry about us bunch of fellow nerds, we are going nowhere, you have supported and satiated our lust for stories on our favourite subjects for more years than I care to admit, we will still be here when you are READY to return and not before – it must be right for you.
I wish you all the best in this troubling time.
I’m sorry to hear of your loss. Alzheimer’s is a hard road to travel for all concerned.
I read your book “Centauri Dreams” a few years back and have followed your blog since then, but this is the first time I’ve left a comment. I just want to say how much I admire your writing, the depth of your analysis, and your dedication in highlighting how we could go about making an expansive, hopeful future as we head for the stars.
All the best,
So sorry to hear of your loss. Thank you so much for everything you do here. Take all the time you need.
I’m pleased to hear your description, it’s true, your experience of dementia, as it offers some hope that things that are bad are not always nightmarish looking back. Currently I’m looking after my mother and having to repeat everything as if for the first time, you know. In my available moments I look at the stars and wonder, as we all do I guess, that frequent here, if knowledge is a worthy replacement for mystery. I believe so, exploration of which has been a pleasure to undertake with you over the years. Looking forward.
Sorry for your loss.
Thanks for your efforts on your postings.
Paul, My deepest sympathy for your suffering and loss, and I wish you only beautiful memories of your wife to carry you forward through the years!
I am sorry to hear of your loss.
All the best,
A big and warm hug from Portugal!
Thank you for your fascinating posts, and condolences for your terrible loss. I hope you take whatever time you need.
Wishing you all the best. Take care.
My deepest condolences Paul. Take your time. We are lucky to have your website and certainly won’t mind the hiatus. Thanks for the great work.
I am so sorry for your loss. Let her rest in peace. Wishing you the best to recover.
I would like to add my condolences Paul. We will love to have you back when you feel ready.
I am very sorry for your loss.
My heart goes out to you both.
‘The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed – only converted from one form of energy to another.’
Sorry for your loss, in some way she will always be there still. Take time, the universe is patient.
Sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for your loss.
Paul – I was most touched by your news. Take your time, and we all await more first class writing from you when you are good and ready.
– Andrew, a Brit in California.
My deepest condolences to you and your family.
I’m sorry to hear about your loss. I appreciate the materials and comments, and I hope to hear more soon. My wife is also facing medical issues, which can be stressful at times, but she is getting better now.
Condolences for your loss. I truly respect the evident strength, grace and love with which you accompanied your wife on her journey back Home.
I greatly appreciate the effort and talent you put into this excellent science blog, and I look forward to reading it again when the time is right. For now, of course, the most important thing is that you take all the time you need.
PS: My thoughts go out to other members of this community who have experienced, or are now experiencing, a similar loss.
I am so sorry for your loss, Paul. I wish you and your family all the best in this time.
…a star now shining in the sky. Anyone who looks at the universe knows that there is no end, just transformations. My condolences, Paul.
Patrick – France
My deepest condoleances to you and your loved ones. Thank you for all the efforts you put into this blog which I really wish I had more time to read.
My heartfelt condolences for your and your family’s loss. And indeed, take whatever time you need.
I might even no longer be here, and take this time to explain that while I really tried to avoid politics, but with certain other events, I consider pulling the plug on anything that have to do with USA. It might be for the best else I might get an aneurysm.
So truly sorry to hear this! No words can ever help but I’ll be praying for you!
Dear Paul, deepest sympathies on your loss and kind regards to you and your family.
Such an eloquent and beautiful update from the center of woe: not all of us have shown such dignity under fire. I do believe some of her grace must have rubbed off on you. As always, you have our admiration and our respect.
RIP is all I can say
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
My deepest condolences to you and your family; take care and know that the many fans of your work on this site surely are thinking and empathizing with you during this time.
“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”
― Carl Sagan
Paul, my condolences and sympathy on the passing of your wife.
I’m sorry for your loss.
Time will partially heal the wounds, this is my experience
Thanks a lot for sharing your astronomical ideas with us over so many years, so we also share your private feelings. Best wishes for you. Chris from Germany.
I’m so sorry for your loss Paul. May she rest in peace.
Hi Paul,
I am so sorry for your loss. Alzheimer’s is an incredibly difficult ordeal and no one can possibly know what you had to deal with. I thank you for dedicating your life to this work and I hope you are still willing to continue it long after this. I think sometime in 2007, I first came across your book at Barbara Bush Library while I was still in middle school and was completely blown away by the subject you wrote about. You made this complex topic about space and turned it into something I could understand. It really sparked the imagination. I apparently last wrote to you in 2018 checking up on you since it had been a while since you posted and I am still here, with my Feedly subscribed to Centuari Dreams, waiting for the next topic that you’ll post. It’s so encouraging to see how many exciting things there are all the time in this field. In the end, I just wanted to say thank you… thank you for what you do.
Very Sorry for your loss.