I’d like to thank all of you who wrote comments and emails about the recent pause in Centauri Dreams. My beautiful wife Eloise passed away on January 17. It was as peaceful a death as can be imagined, and I am so pleased to say that she was able to stay at home until the end. As she had battled Alzheimer’s for eleven gallant years, death was simply a bridge that now had to be crossed. As she did with everything else in her life, she did it with class.

This is to let you know that I will be getting Centauri Dreams back into action again in about three weeks. When I began the site in 2004, my primary goal was to teach myself as much as I could about the topics we address by writing about them, which is how I’ve always tended to learn things. I’ve always welcomed comments that informed me, caught my errors and extended the discussion into new realms. No one could work with a better audience than the readers I’ve been privileged to address, and for this I am profoundly grateful.