It’s one thing to talk about technology as we humans know it, but applying it to hypothetical extraterrestrials is another matter. We have to paint with a broad brush here. Thus Jason Wright’s explanation of technosignatures as conceived by SETI scientists. The Penn State astronomer and astrophysicist defines technology in that context as “the physical manifestations of deliberate engineering.” That’s saying that a technology produces something that is in principle observable. Whether or not our current detection methods are adequate to the task is another matter.
Image: Artist’s concept of an interesting radio signal from galactic center. But the spectrum of possible technosignature detections is broad indeed, extending far beyond radio. Credit: UCLA SETI Group/Yuri Beletsky, Carnegie Las Campanas Observatory.
A technosignature need not be the sign of industrial or scientific activity. Consider: In a new paper in The Astronomical Journal, Sofia Sheikh (SETI Institute) and colleagues including such SETI notables as Wright himself, Ravi Kopparapu and Adam Frank point out that the extinction of ancient megafauna some 12,800 years ago may have contributed to changes in atmospheric methane that fed into a period of cooling known as the Younger Dryas, to be followed by growing human agricultural activity whose effects on carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere would be detectable.
As a technosignature, that one has a certain fascination, but it’s not likely to be definitive in ferreting out extraterrestrials, at least not at our stage of detection technology. But Sheikh and team are really after a much less ambiguous question. We know what our own transmission and detection methods are. How far away can our own technosignature be detected? By studying the range of technosignatures we are producing on Earth, the authors produce a scale covering thirteen orders of magnitude in detectability, with radio still at the top of the heap. The work establishes quantitative standards for detectability based on Earth’s current capabilities.
We might, for example, use the James Webb Space Telescope and the upcoming Habitable Worlds Observatory to provide data on atmospheric technosignatures as far out as 5.7 light years away. That takes us interstellar, with that interesting system at Proxima Centauri in range. Let’s tarry a bit longer on this one. While carbon dioxide is implicated in manmade changes to Earth’s atmosphere, the paper points to other sources, zeroing in on one in particular:
…there are other atmospheric technosignatures in Earth’s atmosphere that have very few or even no known nontechnological sources. For example, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), a subcategory of halocarbons, are directly produced by human technology (with only very small natural sources), e.g., refrigerants and cleaning agents, and their presence in Earth’s atmosphere constitutes a nearly unambiguous technosignature (J. Haqq-Misra et al. 2022). Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), like CO2, has abiotic, biogenic, and technological sources, but combustion in vehicles and fossil-fueled power plants is a significant contributor to the NO2 in Earth’s atmosphere (R. Kopparapu et al. 2021).
And indeed nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is what the authors plug into this study, drawing on earlier work by some of the paper’s authors. Note the fact that biosignatures and technosignatures overlap here given how much work has proceeded on characterizing exoplanet atmospheres. It turns out that the wavelength bands that the Habitable Worlds Observatory will see best in its search for biosignatures are also those that include the NO2 technosignature, a useful example of piggybacking our searches.
But of course the realm of technosignatures is wide, including everything from the lights of cities to ‘heat islands’ (inferring cities), orbiting satellites, radio transmissions and lasers. I’m aware of no other study that combines the various forms of technosignature in a single analysis. If you start looking at the full range of technosignatures according to distance, you find objects on a planetary surface to be the toughest catch, with heat islands swimming into focus only from a distance as far as outer planetary orbits in the Solar System. The current technology with the most punch is planetary radar, whose pulses should be detectable as much as 12,000 light years away, although such a signal would be a fleeting and non-repeating curiosity.
SETI does find signals like that now and then. But precisely because they are non-repeating, we simply don’t know what to make of them.
Image: The maximum distances that each of Earth’s modern-day technosignatures could be detected at using modern-day receiving technology, in visual form. Also marked are various astronomical objects of interest. Credit: Sheikh et al.
Think back to the early days of SETI and ponder how far we’ve come in trying to understand what other civilizations might do that could get us to notice them. SETI grew directly out of the famous work by Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison that laid out the case for artificial radio signals in 1959, followed shortly thereafter by Frank Drake’s pioneering work at Green Bank with Project Ozma. Less known is the 1961 paper by Charles Townes and R. N. Schwartz that got us into optical wavelengths.
And while ‘Dysonian SETI’, which explicitly searches for technosignatures, is usually associated with vast engineering projects like Dyson spheres, the point here is that a civilization will produce evidence for an outside observer that will continue to deepen as that observer’s tools increase in sophistication. The search for technosignatures, then, actually grows into a multi-wavelength effort, but one that spans a vast range. Making all this quantitative involves a ‘detectability distance scale.’ The authors choose one known as an ichnoscale. Here’s how the paper describes it:
Using Earth as a mirror in this way, we can employ the concept of the ichnoscale (ι) from H. Socas-Navarro et al. (2021): “the relative size scale of a given technosignature in units of the same technosignature produced by current Earth technology.” An ι value of 1 is defined by Earth’s current technology. This necessarily evolves over time—for this work, we set the ichnoscale to Earth-2024-level technology, including near-future technologies that are already in development.
Considering how fast our detection methods are improving as we build extremely large telescopes (ELTs) and push into ever more sophisticated space observatories, learning the nature of this scale will become increasingly relevant. While we realized in the mid-20th Century that radio was detectable at interstellar distances, we’re now able to detect not just an intentional signal but radio leakage, at least from nearby stellar systems. That’s an extension of the parameter space that involves levels of power we have already demonstrated on Earth. The ichnoscale framework quantifies these signatures that will gradually become possible to detect as our methods evolve.
We see more clearly which methods are most likely to succeed. This is an important scaling because the universe we actually live in may not resemble the one we construct in our imaginations. Let me quote the paper on this important point:
…the focus on planetary-scale technosignatures provides very specific suggestions for which searches to pursue in a Universe where large-scale energy expenditures and/or travel between systems is logistically infeasible. While science fiction is, for example, replete with mechanics for rapid interstellar travel, all current physics implies it would be slow and expensive. We should take that constraint seriously.
And with this in mind we can state key results:
1. Radio remains the way that Earth is most detectable at ι = 1.
2. Investment in atmospheric biosignature searches has opened up the door for atmospheric technosignature searches.
3. Humanity’s remotely detectable impacts on Earth and the solar system span 12 orders of magnitude.
4. Our modern-day planetary-scale impacts are modest compared to what is assumed in many technosignature papers.
5. We have a multiwavelength constellation of technosignatures, with more of the constellation becoming visible the closer the observer becomes.
Let’s pause on item 4. The point here is that most notions of technosignatures assume technologies visible on astronomical scales, and indeed it is usually assumed that our first SETI detections, when and if they come, will involve civilizations vastly older and superior in technology than ourselves. Planets bearing technologies like those we have today are a supremely difficult catch, because the technosignatures we are throwing are tiny and all but trivial compared to the Dyson spheres and starship beaming networks we typically consider. And this point seems overwhelmingly obvious:
We should be careful about extrapolating current technosignatures to scales of ιTS = 10 (or even ιTS = 2) without considering the changing context in which these technologies are being developed, used, and (sometimes) mitigated or phased out (e.g., the recovery of the ozone hole; J. Kuttippurath & P. J. Nair 2017). As another example, we are becoming aware of the negative health effects of the UHI [urban heat index] (as detailed in, e.g., A. Piracha & M. T. Chaudhary 2022); thus, work may be done to mitigate the concentrated regions of high infrared flux discussed in Section 4.3.
Indeed. How many of the technosignatures we are producing are stable? Chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere are subject to adjustment on astronomically trivial timeframes. The chances of running into a culture that is about to realize it is polluting itself just before it takes action to mitigate the problem seem remote. So all these factors have to be taken into account as we rank technosignature detection strategies, and it’s clear that in this “multiwavelength constellation of technosignatures” the closer we are, the better we see. All the more reason to continue to pursue not just better telescopes but better ways to get ever improving platforms into the outer Solar System and beyond. Interstellar probes, anyone?
The paper is Sheikh et al., “Earth Detecting Earth: At What Distance Could Earth’s Constellation of Technosignatures be Detected with Present-day Technology?” Astronomical Journal Vol. 169, No. 2 (3 February 2025), 118 (full text). The Cocconi and Morrison paper is “Searching for Interstellar Communications,” Nature 184 (19 September 1959), 844-846 (abstract). The 1961 paper on laser communications is Schwartz and Townes, “Interstellar and Interplanetary Communication by Optical Masers,” Nature 190 (15 April 1961), 205-208 (abstract).
Paul, here is the whole 1959 Nature paper on Radio SETI online for free:
The pioneering 1961 paper on Optical SETI is here in full:
Should have included that link. It’s a valuable one!
That’s fine, Paul, you opened up the discussion to these landmark papers.
Here are two other ways to read the whole 1959 Nature paper, from the very first issue of the equally landmark magazine Cosmic Search (all thirteen issues are online, FYI):
The quoted last section in this paper is worth noting:
“The reader may seek to consign these speculations wholly to the domain of science-fiction. We submit, rather, that the foregoing line of argument demonstrates that the presence of interstellar signals is entirely consistent with all we now know, and that if signals are present the means of detecting them is now at hand.
“Few will deny the profound importance, practical and philosophical, which the detection of interstellar communications would have. We therefore feel that a discriminating search for signals deserves a considerable effort.
“The probability of success is difficult to estimate; but if we never search the chance of success is zero.”
I also came across this paper during my search, which may itself one day be as landmark in the SETI field:
[Submitted on 13 Apr 2021 (v1), last revised 25 Jul 2021 (this version, v2)]
Searching for interstellar quantum communications
Michael Hippke
The modern search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) began with the seminal publications of Cocconi & Morrison (1959) and Schwartz & Townes (1961), who proposed to search for narrow-band signals in the radio spectrum, and for optical laser pulses.
Over the last six decades, more than one hundred dedicated search programs have targeted these wavelengths; all with null results. All of these campaigns searched for classical communications, that is, for a significant number of photons above a noise threshold; with the assumption of a pattern encoded in time and/or frequency space.
I argue that future searches should also target quantum communications. They are preferred over classical communications with regards to security and information efficiency, and they would have escaped detection in all previous searches. The measurement of Fock state photons or squeezed light would indicate the artificiality of a signal.
I show that quantum coherence is feasible over interstellar distances, and explain for the first time how astronomers can search for quantum transmissions sent by ETI to Earth, using commercially available telescopes and receiver equipment.
Comments: Added references
Subjects: Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM); Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Cite as: arXiv:2104.06446 [astro-ph.IM]
(or arXiv:2104.06446v2 [astro-ph.IM] for this version)
Focus to learn more
Journal reference: The Astronomical Journal 2021, Volume 162, Issue 1, id.1, 11 pp
Related DOI:
To take just the NO2 signature. It could be abiogenic (N2 + O2 reaction due to lightning). a biosignature, and lastly a technosignature (N2 + O2 reaction by internal combustion engines).
For a technosignature, ideally, any signal would need to show that it was at a concentration far higher than any abiogenic or even biogenic source, and preferably associated with other technosignatures.
However, as was pointed out with regard to CFCs, this technosignature is likely to be transient, just as we hope to reduce NO2 emissions with technology changes.
City lights are another example. We now know that our nighttime illumination contributes to fauna decline, which we will eventually have to ameliorate. [I recall my poor night vision when trying to stay on a path while walking home from a pub in the country with no external illumination. Yet today, we have the technology to eliminate that issue with night-vision goggles and augmented reality. Imagine a brightly lit city only visible with such devices, whilst unaided eyesight sees just drab structures.] An advanced civilization avoiding biosphere collapse may look nothing like our civilization: no pollution, no obvious surface cities, and minimal em emissions.
The one technosignature that I don’t see is massive orbital debris from Kessler Syndrome. If that occurs, how transient would it be, and would it be detectable optically? Our current obsession with satellite constellations seems likely to precipitate such an event accidentally, even before a war creates it deliberately to blind an enemy.
Apart from radio signatures, it seems to me that the best use of resources is to try to detect [unambiguous] biosignatures with atmosphere gas and surface spectral analysis. Any civilization would likely be a subset of a biosphere presence unless it were fully spacefaring, and “grabby”. Expanding the search for technosignatures would be narrowed to such systems with biosignatures.
Where this logic might fail is the case that civilizations don’t just snuff themselves out [or snuffed out by predators], but sterilize their planets too. Then there might be technosignatures based on artifacts but without accompanying biosignatures. Finding several such cases would be a concern for our own civilization’s trajectory.
Alex, I agree that a sophisticated ETI society may be hard to detect simply because they have cleaned up their act. This is assuming their technological development is similar to ours, or that they make and use technology in any way resembling ours.
Just as early SETI was looking almost exclusively for versions of us, at least the kind that would deliberately transmit into the galaxy for purely altruistic reasons, we are now searching for versions of us that are technologically messy.
I have trouble imagining any society that did not somehow suddenly spring fully developed and mature in all senses of the word which have not gone through a period of making a lot of noise and mess as they learn how to create a technological civilization.
Someone reviewing the quite unnecessary 2008 remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still noted how the aliens coming to Earth to judge humanity complained about how destructive we are must have also had their own period of time when they were growing and learning how to utilize technology, making their own messes and mistakes in the process.
Why didn’t some superior ETI come and judge them as well? Perhaps because a truly wise intelligence would monitor an adolescent society and only intervene if they were threatening others beyond their world. The original TDTESS from 1951 got this right and even had Klaatu admit that his kind were far from perfect: They even had their own atomic wars, which set them back for ages.
I’m surprised there isn’t more consideration of physical objects. Our part of the Milky Way has received objects from several galaxies, and the Sun has drifted past billions of planets in its revolutions. Our world has done very little to collect and study space dust so far: maybe not everything flying past us is natural? Also some environments that might be useful to passing spacefarers, such as Ceres and the poles of Mercury, could bear closer scrutiny for traces of past industrial development. Even if there’s nothing artificial to be found, they’re still great missions; if need be *we* can plant the Easter eggs.