The idea of life achieving a series of plateaus, each of which is a long and perilous slog, has serious implications for SETI. It was Brandon Carter, now at the Laboratoire Univers et Théories in Meudon, France, who proposed the notion of such ‘hard steps’ back in the early 1980s. Follow-up work by a number of authors, especially Frank Tipler and John Barrow (The Anthropic Cosmological Principle) has refined the concept and added to the steps Carter conceived. Since then, the idea that life might take a substantial amount of the lifetime of a star to emerge has bedeviled those who want to see a universe filled with technological civilizations. Each ‘hard step’ is unlikely in itself, and our existence depends upon our planet’s having achieved all of them.

Carter was motivated by the timing of our emergence, which we can round off at 4.6 billion years after the formation of our planet. He reasoned that the upper limit for habitability at Earth’s surface is on the order of 5.6 billion years after Earth’s formation, a suspicious fact – why would human origins require a time that approximates the extinction of the biosphere that supports us? He deduced from this that the average time for intelligent beings to emerge on a planet exceeds the lifespan of its biosphere. We are, in other words, a lucky species that squeezed in our development early.

Image: Two highly influential physicists. Brandon Carter (right) sitting with Roy Kerr, who discovered the Einsteinian solution for a rotating black hole. Carter’s own early work on black holes is highly regarded, although these days he seems primarily known for the ‘hard steps’ hypothesis. Credit: University of Canterbury (NZ).

Figuring a G-class star like the Sun having a lifetime on the order of 10 billion years, most such stars would spawn planetary systems that never saw the evolution of intelligence, and perhaps not any form of life. Because an obvious hard step is abiogenesis, and although the universe seems stuffed with ingredients, we have no evidence yet of life anywhere else. The fact that it did happen here tells us nothing more than that, and until we dig out evidence of a ‘second genesis,’ perhaps here in our own Solar System inside an icy moon, or on Mars, we can form no firm conclusions.

There’s a readable overview of the ‘hard steps’ notion on The Conversation, and I’ll direct you both to that as well as to the paper just out from the authors of the overview, which runs in Science Advances (citation below). In both, Penn State’s Jason Wright and Jennifer Macalady collaborate with Daniel Brady Mills (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich) and the University of Rochester’s Adam Frank to describe such ‘steps’ as the development of eurkarytic cells – i.e., cells with nuclei. We humans are eukaryotes, so this hard step had to happen for us to be reading this.

We could keep adding to the list of hard steps as the discussion has spun out over the past few decades, but it seems agreed that photosynthesis is a big one. The so-called ‘Cambrian explosion’ might be considered a hard step, since it involves sudden complexity, refinements to body parts of all kinds and specialized organs, and it happens quickly. And what of the emergence of consciousness itself? That’s a big one, especially since we are a long way from explaining just what consciousness actually is, and how and even where it develops. Robin Hanson has used the hard steps concept to discuss ‘filters’ that separate basic lifeforms from complex technological societies.

Whichever steps we choose, the idea of a series of highly improbable events leveraging each other on the road to intelligence and technology seems to make the chances of civilizations elsewhere remote. But let’s pause right there. Wright and colleagues take note of the work of evolutionary biologist Geerat Vermeij (UC-Davis), who argues that our view of innovation through evolution is inescapably affected by information loss. Here’s a bit on this from the new paper:

Vermeij concluded that information loss over geologic time could explain the apparent uniqueness of ancient evolutionary innovations when (i) small clades [a clade comprises a founding ancestor and all of its descendants] that independently evolved the innovation in question go extinct, leaving no living descendants, and (ii) an ancient innovation evolved independently in two closely related lineages, or within a short period of time, and the genetic differences between these two lineages become “saturated” to the point where the lineages become genetically indistinguishable.

In other words, as we examine life on early Earth, we have to reckon with incompleteness in our fossil record (huge gaps possible there), with species we know nothing about going extinct despite having achieved a hard step. The authors point out that if this is the case, then we can’t really describe proposed hard steps as ‘hard.’ Other possibilities exist, including that innovations do happen only once, but they may be so powerful that creatures with a new evolutionary trait quickly change their environment so that other lineages of evolution don’t have time to develop.

Image: Earth’s habitability is compromised by a Sun that will, about 5.6 billion years after its formation, become too hot to allow life. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons.

We’re still left with the question of why it has taken so much of the lifetime of the Sun to produce ourselves, a question that bothered Carter sufficiently in 1983 that it drove him to the hard steps analysis. Here the authors offer something Carter did not, an analysis of Earth’s habitability over time. It’s one that can change the outcome. For each of the hard steps sets up its own evolutionary requirements, and these could be met only as Earth’s environment changed. Consider, for example, that 50 percent of our planet’s history elapsed before modern eukaryotic cells had enough oxygen to thrive.

So maybe our planet had to pass certain environmental thresholds:

…we raise the possibility that there are no hard steps (despite the appearance of major evolutionary singularities in the universal tree of life) (51) and that the broad pace of evolution on Earth is set by global-environmental processes operating on geologic timescales (i.e., billions of years) (30). Put differently, humans originated so “late” in Earth’s history because the window of human habitability has only opened relatively recently in Earth history.

Suppose abiogenesis is not a hard step. Biosignatures, then, should be common in planetary atmospheres, at least on planets like Earth that are geologically active, in the habitable zone of their stars, and have atmospheres involving nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water. If oxygenic photosynthesis is a hard step, then we’ll find atmospheres that are low in oxygen, rich in methane and carbon dioxide and other ingredients of the atmosphere of the early Earth. If no hard steps exist at all, then we should find the full range of atmospheric types from early Earth (Archean) to present day (Phanerozoic). Our study of atmospheres will help us make the call on the very existence of hard steps.

Given a lack of hard steps, if this model is correct, then the evolution of a biosphere appears more predictable as habitats emerge and evolve. That would offer us a different way of assessing Earth’s past, but also imply that the same trends have emerged on other worlds like Earth. Our existence in that sense would imply that intelligent beings in other stellar systems are more probable than Carter believed.

The paper is Mills et al., “Reassessment of the “hard-steps” model for the evolution of intelligent life,” Science Advances. Vol. 11, Issue 7 (14 February 2025). Full text. Brandon Carter’s famous paper on the hard steps is “The Anthropic Principle and its Implications for Biological Evolution.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A 310 (1983), 347–363. Abstract.