For years now, we’ve had our eye on Mars rocks that are known to occasionally fall to Earth, blown off their planet of origin in some primeval impact. But recent computer modeling suggests that a reverse process may also occur: rocks from Earth, potentially carrying life, could reach environments as distant as Europa and Titan.

The numbers are surprising. As presented by Brett Gladman (University of British Columbia, Vancouver) at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, from 30 to 100 objects from Earth would hit Europa after a period of 5 million years. Titan receives 20 hits. The question then becomes, can bacteria survive such a journey, given the violent heat and acceleration that would be involved in blasting them off the Earth?

Relevant work at the conference suggests that they can. As summarized by Mark Peplow in a article, scientists at the University of Florida (Gainesville) have fired marble-sized pellets into plates containing bacterial spores in water. Their simulations find that a tiny number of bacteria survive the ordeal. That could mean that a place whose surface is not utterly inimical to life, such as Titan, could find itself hosting Earth-based life forms, provided the few bacteria that made the journey could adapt to temperatures of -170 degrees Celsius. Whether this is possible remains for future work to determine.

Centauri Dreams‘ take: I love this quote in the story from Jeff Moore, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center: “Once one planet comes down with life, they all get it.” An abstract of Gladman, Dones, Levision et al., “Meteoroid Transfer to Europa and Titan,” is available here (PDF warning). And note: the abstract confusingly refers to Triton rather than Titan at one point, but the figure in question is clearly meant to depict impacts on the latter moon.