I want to drop back to fusion propulsion at this point, as it bears upon the question of a Solar System-wide infrastructure that we looked at last time. We know that even chemical propulsion is sufficient to get to Mars, but clearly, reducing travel times is critical...
Search Results:
An Alternative Take on Fusion Fuel
Let’s talk about fusion fuels in relation to the recent discussion of building a spacecraft engine. A direct fusion drive (DFD) system using magnetic mirror technologies is, as we saw last time, being investigated at the University of Maryland in its Centrifugal...
Interstellar Path? Helicity’s Bid for In-Space Fusion
Be aware that the Interstellar Research Group has made the videos shot at its Montreal symposium available. I find this a marvelous resource, and hope I never get jaded with the availability of such materials. I can remember hunting desperately for background on talks...
SunVoyager: A Fast Fusion Mission Beyond the Heliosphere
1000 AU makes a fine target for our next push past the heliosphere, keeping in mind that good science is to be had all along the way. Thus if we took 100 years to get to 1000 AU (and at Voyager speeds it would be a lot longer than that), we would still be gathering...
Antimatter-driven Deceleration at Proxima Centauri
Although I've often seen Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes cited in various ways, I hadn't chased down the source of this famous quote: "When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Gerald...
White Paper: Why We Should Seriously Evaluate Proposed Space Drives
Moving propulsion technology forward is tough, as witness our difficulties in upgrading the chemical rocket model for deep space flight. But as we've often discussed on Centauri Dreams, work continues in areas like beamed propulsion and fusion, even antimatter. Will...
Musings on Fusion and the Interstellar Ramjet
Proton-proton fusion produces 99 percent of the Sun's energy, in a process that begins with two hydrogen nuclei and ends with one helium nucleus, releasing energy along the way. We'd love to exploit the fusion process to create energy for our own directed uses, which...
Introducing the Q-Drive: A concept that offers the possibility of interstellar flight
If Breakthrough Starshot is tackling the question of velocities at a substantial percentage of lightspeed, what do we do about the payload question? A chip-sized spacecraft is challenging in terms of instrumentation and communications, not to mention power. Enter Jeff...
A Fusion Runway to Deep Space?
Beamed propulsion concepts are usually conceived in terms of laser or microwave beams pushing a lightsail. But as we've seen over the years, there are other ways of thinking about these things. Clifford Singer went to work back in the 1970s on the concept of pellet...
Conceiving the Laser-Fusion Starship
When young Rod Hyde, fresh out of MIT, started working on starship design in mid-1972, there were not many fusion-based precedents for what he was up to. He had taken a summer job that would turn into a career at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, but right off...