Just a quick note for today as I finish up tomorrow's long post. But I did want you to be aware of this new title, Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Academic and Societal Implications, which has connections with recent topics and will again tomorrow, when we discuss a new paper from Jason Wright and SETI colleagues on technosignatures. As with the recent biography of John von Neumann, I haven't had the chance to read this yet, but it's certainly going on the list. The book is out of Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Here's the publisher's description: What are the implications for human society, and for our institutions of higher learning, of the discovery of a sophisticated extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) operating on and around Earth? This book explores this timely question from a multidisciplinary perspective. It considers scientific, philosophical, theological, and interdisciplinary ways of thinking about the question, and it represents all viewpoints on how likely it is that an...
Modeling a Habitable Planet at Centauri A/B
Why is it so difficult to detect planets around Alpha Centauri? Proxima Centauri is one thing; we’ve found interesting worlds there, though this small, dim star has been a tough target, examined through decades of steadily improving equipment. But Centauri A and B, the G-class and K-class central binary here, have proven impenetrable. Given that we’ve found over 4500 planets around other stars, why the problem here? Proximity turns out to be a challenge in itself. Centauri A and B are in an orbit around a common barycenter, angled such that the light from one will contaminate the search around the other. It’s a 79-year orbit, with the distance between A and B varying from 35.6 AU to 11.2. You can think of them as, at their furthest, separated by the Sun’s distance from Pluto (roughly), and at their closest, by about the distance to Saturn. The good news is that we have a window from 2022 to 2035 in which, even as our observing tools continue to improve, the parameters of that orbit...
Why Fill a Galaxy with Self-Reproducing Probes?
We can’t know whether there is a probe from another civilization – a von Neumann probe of the sort we discussed in the previous post – in our own Solar System unless we look for it. Even then, though, we have no guarantee that such a probe can be found. The Solar System is a vast place, and even if we home in on the more obvious targets, such as the Moon, and near-Earth objects in stable orbits, a well hidden artifact a billion or so years old, likely designed not to draw attention to itself, is a tricky catch. As with any discussion of extraterrestrial civilizations, we’re left to ponder the possibilities and the likelihoods, acknowledging how little we know about whether life itself is widely found. One question opens up another. Abiogenesis may be spectacularly rare, or it may be commonplace. What we eventually find in the ice moons of the outer system should offer us some clues, but widespread life doesn’t itself translate into intelligent, tool-making life. But for today, let’s...
Probing von Neumann Expansion
Before getting into the paper I want to discuss today, I want to mention the new biography of John von Neumann by Ananyo Bhattacharya. I make no comment on The Man from the Future (W. W. Norton & Company, 2022) yet because while I have a copy, I haven't had time to read it. But be aware that it’s out there – it’s getting good reviews, and given the impact of this remarkable figure on everything from programmable computers to game theory and the interstellar dispersion of civilizations, it’s a book you’ll at least want to stick on your reference list. I figure anyone who masters calculus by the age of eight, as von Neumann is reputed to have done, is going to turn out to make a substantial contribution somewhere. I’m also interested in how polymaths function, moving with what seems effortless ease through diverse fields of study and somehow leaving their mark on each. What a contrast to our age of micro-specialization, where relentless drilling down into a single topic – and this...
HOEE: The Starshade and the Ground
I always keep an eye on the Phase I and Phase II studies in the pipeline at the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program. The goal is to support ideas in their early stages, with the 2022 awards going out to 17 different researchers to the tune of a combined $5.1 million. Of these, 12 are Phase I studies, which deliver $175,000 for a nine-month period, while the five Phase II awards go to $600,000 over two years. We looked at one of the Phase I studies, Jason Benkoski's solar-thermal engine and shield concept, in the last post. Today we go hunting exoplanets with a starshade. This particular iteration of the starshade concept is called Hybrid Observatory for Earth-like Exoplanets (HOEE), as proposed by John Mather (NASA GSFC). Here the idea is to leverage the resources of the huge ground-based telescopes that should define the next generation of such instruments - the Giant Magellan Telescope, the Extremely Large Telescope, etc. - by using a starshade to block the glare of...
Engineering the Oberth Maneuver
As we saw recently with the analogy of salt grains for stars, the scale of things cosmic stuns the imagination. But we don't have to go to galactic scale. We can stay much closer to home and achieve the same effect. Because at our current technological levels, getting even as far as the outer planets taxes our capabilities. The least explored types of planet in our Solar System are the dwarf worlds, places like Ceres, Pluto and Charon, not to mention the enigmatic Triton. It takes years to reach them. Beyond these objects we have a wide range of other dwarfs that merit study, at distances that push us ever farther. In a description of their NIAC Phase I study, just announced as a selection for 2022, Jason Benkoski and colleagues at Johns Hopkins University look into a combination heat shield and solar propulsion system that would perform a close Solar pass and use the Sun's gravity to slingshot outwards at the highest possible velocity. It's a maneuver familiar to Centauri Dreams...
Lowering the Laser Barrier
The continuing release of papers related to or referring to the Breakthrough Starshot sail concept is good news for the entire field. Interstellar studies as an academic discipline has never had this long or sustained a period of activity, and the growing number of speakers at space-related conferences attests to the current vitality of starflight among professionals and the general public alike. Not all interstellar propulsion concepts involve laser-beaming, of course, and we’ll soon look at what some would consider an ever more exotic concept. But today I’m focusing on a paper from Ho-Ting Tung and Artur Davoyan, both in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at UCLA. You could say that these two researchers are filling in some much needed space between the full-bore interstellar effort of Breakthrough Starshot, the Solar System-oriented laser work of Andrew Higgins’ team at McGill, and much smaller, near-term experiments we could run not so far from now. Of the many...
Delving into the Interstellar Sail
One of the benefits of a project like Breakthrough Starshot is that it moves the ball forward in terms of the academic research that underpins advances in technologies. I seriously doubt that Starshot will result in an Alpha Centauri probe reaching these stars within the next 50 years, given among other things the conundrum of data retrieval from a fleet of chip-sized micro-craft. But we all gain from the fact that scientists are tackling these issues in a well-funded and coordinated way. The research library grows. As a field, interstellar studies has always been resource-starved, not to mention winning scant attention among the larger community of scientists and engineers at conferences and in publications. But it has drawn on a consistent thread of interest that now gains new energies. That benefits the entire effort. And let's not forget the power of looking far into the future to get a conception of what we can do with scaled-down projects in the near term, as for example Andrew...
Galaxies Like Grains of Salt
I'm riffing on a Brian Aldiss title this morning, the reference being the author's 1959 collection Galaxies Like Grians of Sand, which is a sequence of short stories spanning millions of years of Earth's future (originally published as The Canopy of Time). But sand is appropriate for the exercise before us today, one suggested by memories of the day my youngest son told me he had to construct a model of an atom and we went hunting all over town for styrofoam balls. It turns out atoms are easy. Suppose your child comes home with a project involving the creation of a scale model of the galaxy. Pondering the matter, you announce that grains of salt can stand in for stars. Sand might work as well, but salt is easier because you can buy boxes of salt at the grocery. So while your child goes outside to do other things, you and your calculator get caught up in the question of modeling the Milky Way. Just how much salt will you need? Most models of the galaxy these days come in at a higher...
Laser Thermal Propulsion for Rapid Transit to Mars: Part 2
In Part 2 of Andrew Higgins' discussion of laser-thermal rocketry and fast missions to Mars, we look more deeply at the design and consider its potential for other high delta-V missions. Are we looking at a concept that could help us build the needed infrastructure to one day support expansion beyond the Solar System? by Andrew Higgins We now turn to the detailed design our team at McGill University came up with for a laser-thermal mission capable of reaching Mars in 45 days. Our team took the transit time and payload requirement (1 ton) from a NASA announcement of opportunity that appeared in 2018 that was seeking "Revolutionary Propulsion for Rapid Deep Space Transit". Although being in Canada made us ineligible to apply to this program, we adopted this mission targeted by the NASA announcement for our design study; being in Canada also means we are used to working without funding. Image: McGill University students responsible for the design of the laser-thermal mission to Mars....
Laser Thermal Propulsion for Rapid Transit to Mars: Part 1
Do the laser thermal concepts we discussed earlier this week have an interstellar future? To find out, applications closer to home will have to be tested and deployed as the technology evolves. Today we look at the work of Andrew Higgins and team at McGill University (Montreal), whose concept of a Mars mission using these methods is much in the news. Dr. Higgins is a professor of Mechanical Engineering at the university, where he teaches courses in the discipline of thermofluids. He has 30 years of experience in shock wave experimentation and modeling, with applications to advanced aerospace propulsion and fusion energy. His background includes a PhD ('96) and MS ('93) in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the University of Washington, Seattle, and a BS ('91) in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from the University of Illinois in Urbana/Champaign. Today's article is the first of two. by Andrew Higgins Directed energy propulsion continues to be the most plausible, near-term...
Going Interstellar with a Laser-Powered Rocket
As far back as the 1960s, aerospace engineer John Bloomer published on the idea of using an external laser as the energy source for a rocket, using the incoming beam to fire up an onboard electrical propulsion system. And it was in a 1971 speech that Arthur Kantrowitz, looking toward the technologies that would succeed chemical rockets, suggested using lasers to heat a propellant within a rocket. This is laser-thermal propulsion, in which hydrogen (the assumed propellant) is heated to produce an exhaust stream. The hybrid method would be studied extensively in the 1970s. So when Al Jackson and Daniel Whitmire took up the idea in a 1978 paper, they were in tune with an area that had already provoked some research interest. But Jackson and Whitmire had ideas that would refine the ramjet design introduced by Robert Bussard. They were pondering ways to power a starship, one that would carry its own reaction mass. Uneasy about the core Bussard design, the duo had, the year before,...
A Third World at Proxima Centauri
The apparent discovery of a new planet around Proxima Centauri moves what would have been today’s post (on laser-thermal interstellar propulsion concepts) to early next week. Although not yet confirmed, the data analysis on what will be called Proxima Centauri d seems strong, in the hands of João Faria (Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço, Portugal) and colleagues. The work has just been published in Astronomy & Astrophysics. It’s good to hear that Faria describes Proxima Centauri as being “within reach of further study and future exploration.” That last bit, of course, is a nod to the fact that this is the nearest star to the Sun, and while 4.2 light years is its own kind of immensity, any future interstellar probe will naturally focus either here or on Centauri A and B. Years are short on Proxima d – the putative planet circles Proxima every five days. That’s a tenth of Mercury’s distance from the Sun, closer to the star than to the inner edge of the habitable zone....
Freeman Dyson’s Advice to a College Freshman
Anyone who ever had the pleasure of talking to Freeman Dyson knows that he was a gracious man deeply committed to helping others. My own all too few exchanges with him were on the phone or via email, but he always gave of his time no matter how busy his schedule. In the article below, Colin Warn offers an example, one I asked him for permission to publish so as to preserve these Dysonian nuggets for a wider audience. Colin is an Associate Propulsion Component Engineer at Maxar, with a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from Washington State University. His research interests dip into in everything from electric spacecraft propulsion to small satellite development, machine learning and machine vision applications for microrobotics. Thus far in his young career, he has published two papers on the topics of nuclear gas core rockets and interstellar braking mechanisms in the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society. He tells me that when he's not working on interstellar...
An Evolutionary Path for ‘Mini-Neptunes’
It would explain a lot if two recent discoveries involving 'mini-Neptunes' turned out to be representative of what happens to their entire class. For Michael Zhang (Caltech) and colleagues, in two just published papers, have found that mini-Neptunes can lose gas to their parent star, possibly indicating their transformation into a 'super-Earth.' If such changes are common, then we have a path to get from a dense but Neptune-like world to a super-Earth, a planet roughly 1.6 times the size of the Earth and part of a category of worlds we do not see represented in our Solar System. As we drill down toward finding smaller worlds, we've been finding a lot of mini-Neptunes as well as super-Earths, with the former two to four times the size of the Earth. Thus we have a bimodal gap in exoplanet observation. Where are the worlds between 1.6 and 2-4 times the size of Earth? The new work examines two mini-Neptunes around the TESS object TOI 560, located about a hundred light-years from Earth,...
A New Search Space for Exomoons?
Given our recent discussion of exomoon candidate Kepler-1708 b-i, a possible moon 2.6 times the mass of Earth orbiting a gas giant, I want to be sure to work in Miki Nakajima’s work on how moons form. Nakajima (University of Rochester) is first author of the paper describing this work. It’s a significant contribution because it points to a way to refine the target list for exomoon searches, one that may help us better understand where to look as we begin to flesh out a catalog of these objects.. And flesh it out we will, as the precedent of the rapidly growing exoplanet count makes clear. What I want to do today is consider how we’ve thus far proceeded. You’ll recall that when David Kipping and team performed their deep analysis of the data leading to Kepler-1708 b-i, they chose gas giants on orbits with a period of 400 days or more, so-called ‘cool worlds’ more like Jupiter than the ‘hot Jupiters’ found so frequently in early exoplanet studies. The method produced a strong candidate...
Planetary Birth around Dying Stars
Half a century ago, we were wondering if other stars had planets, and although we assumed so, there was always the possibility that planets were rare. Now we know that they’re all over the place. In fact, recent research out of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium suggests that under certain circumstances, planets can form around stars that are going through their death throes, beginning the transition from red giant to white dwarf. The new work homes in on certain binary stars, and therein hangs a tale. After a red giant star has gone through the stage of helium burning at its core, it is referred to as an asymptotic giant branch star (AGB), on a path that takes it through a period of expansion and cooling prior to its becoming a white dwarf. These expanding stars lose mass as the result of stellar wind, up to 50 to 70 percent of the total mass of the star. The result: An extended envelope of material collecting around the object that will become a planetary nebula, a glowing...
Unusual Transient: A New Kind of Magnetar?
Every time we look in a new place, which in astrophysics often means bringing new tools online, we find something unexpected. The news that an object has been detected that, for one minute in every 18, becomes one of the brightest radio sources in the sky, continues the series of surprises we've been racking up ever since first Galileo put eye to telescope. So what is this object, and why is it cause for such interest? Here's astronomer Natasha Hurley-Walker (Curtin University/International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research), who is lead author of the paper on the discovery: "This object was appearing and disappearing over a few hours during our observations. That was completely unexpected. It was kind of spooky for an astronomer because there's nothing known in the sky that does that. And it's really quite close to us—about 4000 lightyears away. It's in our galactic backyard." Image: A new view of the Milky Way from the Murchison Widefield Array in Western Australia, with...
White Paper: Why We Should Seriously Evaluate Proposed Space Drives
Moving propulsion technology forward is tough, as witness our difficulties in upgrading the chemical rocket model for deep space flight. But as we've often discussed on Centauri Dreams, work continues in areas like beamed propulsion and fusion, even antimatter. Will space drives ever become a possibility? Greg Matloff, who has been surveying propulsion methods for decades, knows that breakthroughs are both disruptive and rare. But can we find ways to increase the odds of discovery? A laboratory created solely to study the physics issues space drives would invoke could make a difference. There is precedent for this, as the author of The Starflight Handbook (Wiley, 1989) and Deep Space Probes (Springer, 2nd. Ed., 2005) makes clear below. by Greg Matloff We live in very strange times. The possibility of imminent human contraction (even extinction) is very real. So is the possibility of imminent human expansion. On one hand, contemporary global civilization faces existential threats from...
The Persistent Case for Exomoon Candidate Kepler-1708 b-i
We started finding a lot of 'hot Jupiters' in the early days of planet hunting simply because, although their existence was not widely predicted, they were the most likely planetary types to trigger our radial velocity detection methods. These star-hugging worlds produced a Doppler signal that readily showed the effects of planet on star, while smaller worlds, and planets farther out in their orbits, remained undetected. David Kipping (Columbia University) uses hot Jupiters as an analogy when describing his own indefatigable work hunting exomoons. We already have one of these - Kepler-1625 b-i - but it remains problematic and unconfirmed. If this turned out to be the first in a string of exomoons, we might well expect all the early finds to be large moons simply because using transit methods, these would be the easiest to detect. Kepler-1625 b-i is problematic because the data could be showing the effects of other planets in its system. If real, it would be a moon far larger than any...