A Landing Site for Dragonfly

Rotorcraft have certainly been in the news lately, with Ingenuity, the Mars helicopter, commanding our attention. The Dragonfly mission to Titan involves a far more complex rotorcraft capable of visiting numerous destinations on the surface. In fact, Dragonfly makes use of eight rotors and depends upon an atmosphere more helpful than what Ingenuity has to work with on Mars. Titan's atmosphere is four times denser than what we have on Earth, allowing Dragonfly to move its entire science payload from one location to another as it examines surface landing zones while operating on a world whose gravity is but one-seventh that of Earth. I want to call your attention to the publication of the science team that just appeared in the Planetary Science Journal, because it lays out the rationale for the various decisions made thus far about operations on and above Titan's surface. It's a straightforward, interesting read, and makes clear how much work we have to do here. Yes, we had Cassini for...

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Trajectory Watch: Charting Asteroid Bennu’s Future Path

In addition to its sample return mission at asteroid Bennu, OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security-Regolith Explorer) has tightened our projections about the object's future trajectory. Although the impact possibility on Earth through the year 2300 is on the order of 1 in 1750 (0.057%), it's an object we want to keep an eye on, because in 2135 Bennu will make a close approach to Earth that could nudge its trajectory in ways that are difficult to anticipate. OSIRIS-REx spent more than two years working near the 500-meter wide asteroid, studying its mass and composition while tracking its spin and orbital trajectory. In terms of the latter, even factors as tiny as the force the spacecraft exerted during its sample collection event in October of 2020, a mere touch-and-go, had to be considered (the study confirms that the effect was negligible). Far more significant is the Yarkovsky effect, which occurs as solar heating eases on the nightside...

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Habitability: Similar Magnetic Activity Links Stellar Types

Looking at flare activity in young M-dwarf stars, as we did in the last post, brings out a notable difference between these fast-spinning stars and stars like the Sun. Across stellar classifications from M- to F-, G- and K-class stars, there is commonality in the fusion of hydrogen into helium in the stellar cores. But the Sun has a zone at which energy carried toward the surface as radiative photons is absorbed or scattered by dense matter. At this point, convection begins as colder matter moves downward and hot matter rises. This radiative zone giving way to convection is distinctive -- stars in the M-class range, a third of the mass of the Sun and lower, do not possess a radiative core, but undergo convection throughout their interior. Image: Interior structure of the Sun. Credit: kelvinsong / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0. If we're going to account for magnetic phenomena like starspots, flares and coronal mass ejections, we can come up with a model that fits stars with a...

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Can M-Dwarf Planets Survive Stellar Flares?

We can learn a lot about stars by studying magnetic activity like starspots, flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Starspots are particularly significant for scientists using radial velocity methods to detect planets, because they can sometimes mimic the signature of a planet in the data. But the astrobiology angle is also profound: Young M-dwarfs, known for flare activity, could be fatally compromised as hosts for life because strong flares can play havoc with planetary atmospheres. Given the ubiquity of M-dwarfs -- they’re the most common type of star in our galaxy -- we’d like to know whether or not they are candidates for supporting life. A paper from Ekaterina Ilin and team at the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics in Potsdam digs into the question by looking at the orientation of magnetic activity on young M-dwarfs. The sample is small, though carefully chosen from the processing of over 3000 red dwarf signatures obtained by TESS, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite...

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Europa: Building the Clipper

Seeing spacecraft coming together is always exciting, and when it comes to Europa Clipper, what grabs my attention first is the radiation containment hardware. This is a hostile environment even for a craft that will attempt no landing, for flybys take sensitive electronics into the powerful radiation environment of Jupiter's magnetosphere. 20,000 times stronger than Earth's, Jupiter's magnetic field creates a magnetosphere that affects the solar wind fully three million kilometers before it even reaches the planet, trapping charged particles from the Sun as well as Io. We have to protect Europa Clipper from the intense radiation emerging out of all this, and in the image below you can see what the craft's engineers have come up with. Now nearing completion at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the aluminum radiation vault will ultimately be attached to the top of the spacecraft's propulsion module, connecting via kilometers of cabling that will allow its power box and computer to...

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L 98-59 b: A Rocky World with Half the Mass of Venus

ESPRESSO comes through. The spectrograph, mounted on the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope, has produced data allowing astronomers to calculate the mass of the lightest exoplanet ever measured using radial velocity techniques. The star is L 98-59, an M-dwarf about a third of the mass of the Sun some 35 light years away in the southern constellation Volans. It was already known to host three planets in tight orbits of 2.25 days, 3.7 days and 7.5 days. The innermost world, L 98-59b, has now been determined to have roughly half the mass of Venus. What extraordinary precision from ESPRESSO (Echelle SPectrograph for Rocky Exoplanets and Stable Spectroscopic Observations). The three previously known L 98-59 planets were discovered in data from TESS, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, which spots dips in the lightcurve from a star when a planet crosses its face. Adding ESPRESSO's data, and incorporating previous data from HARPS, has allowed Olivier Demangeon...

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A Stellar Analogue to the Young Sun

Vladimir Airapetian, senior astrophysicist in the Heliophysics Division at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, has a somewhat unusual ambition. Most attention related to finding a ‘second Earth’ revolves around locating a world not only similar to ours in its characteristics but also similarly situated in terms of its host star’s evolution. In other words, a rocky world scorched by its star’s transition to red giant status isn’t a true analogue of our own, but a glimpse of what it will be at another stage. What Airapetian has in mind, though, is going in the other direction. His projected Earth analogue is one that mimics what our planet was in its early days, not all that long after the birth of its stellar system. It’s an ambition that points to learning where we came from, and thus what we might expect when we see a system like ours evolving around other stars. It has led to a search for a star like the Sun in its infancy. Says Airapetian: “It’s my dream to find a rocky exoplanet...

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Celebrating the Event Horizon Telescope

The X-ray 'echoes' from the Seyfert galaxy I Zwicky 1 occupied us on Friday, but today I want to explore the larger content of black hole research following the news about the relatively nearby active galaxy called Centaurus A. Whereas the X-ray work took data from two X-ray telescopes, NuSTAR and XMM-Newton, the Centaurus A investigation gives us another startling image from the instrument that to my mind has the coolest name of them all when it comes to observing tools -- the Event Horizon Telescope. It was the virtual EHT, of course, that produced the first image of a black hole, the supermassive object at the center of M87. The same observing campaign in 2017 produced the data used in the new paper on Centaurus A. At some 10-13 million light years, Centaurus A is -- at radio wavelengths -- one of the largest and brightest objects in the sky. Its central black hole is thought to mass about 55 million suns. By contrast, the EHT researchers have estimated the black hole in M87's...

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‘Echoes’ from the Far Side of a Black Hole

The first direct observation of light from behind a black hole has just been described in a paper in Nature. What is striking in this work is not so much the confirmation, yet again, of Einstein's General Relativity, but the fact that we can observe the effect in action in this environment. Having just read Heino Falcke's Light in the Darkness: Black Holes, the Universe, and Us (HarperOne 2021), I have been thinking a lot about observing what was once thought unobservable, as Falcke and the worldwide interferometric effort called the Event Horizon Telescope managed to do when they produced the first image of a black hole. The famous image out of that work that went worldwide in the media was of the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy M87, while the new paper -- which offers no image but rather data on telltale X-ray emissions -- covers a galaxy called I Zwicky 1 (I Zw 1), a Seyfert galaxy 800 million light years from the Sun. These are active galaxies with...

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Sublimation Producing Water Vapor on Ganymede

Hubble observations from the past two decades have been recently re-examined as a way of investigating what is happening in the tenuous atmosphere of Ganymede, the largest moon in the Solar System. It was in 1998 that the telescope’s Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph took the first images of Ganymede at ultraviolet wavelengths, showing auroral bands -- ribbons of electrified gas -- that reinforced earlier evidence that the moon had a weak magnetic field. Now we have news of sublimated water vapor within the atmosphere, an earlier prediction now verified. Ganymede’s atmosphere, such as it is, is the result of charged particles and solar radiation eroding its icy surface, producing both molecular (02) and atomic oxygen (0) as well as H20, with the molecular oxygen long thought to be the most abundant constituent overall. Surface temperatures are as extreme as you would expect, roughly between 80 K and 150 K (-193 °C to -123 °C). In 2018, a team led by Lorenz Roth (KTH Royal...

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A Path to Planet Formation in Binary Systems

How planets grow in double-star systems has always held a particular fascination for me. The reason is probably obvious: In my younger days, when no exoplanets had been discovered, the question of what kind of planetary systems were possible around multiple stars was wide open. And there was Alpha Centauri in our southern skies, taunting us by its very presence. Could a life-laden planet be right next door? What Kedron Silsbee and Roman Rafikov have been working on extends well beyond Alpha Centauri, usefully enough, and helps us look into how binaries like Centauri A and B form planets. Says Rafikov (University of Cambridge), "A system like this would be the equivalent of a second Sun where Uranus is, which would have made our own solar system look very different." How true. In fact, imagining how different our system would work if we had a star among the outer planets raises wonderful questions. Could we have a habitable world around each star in such a binary? And if so, wouldn't...

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The Case of PDS 70 and a Moon-forming Disk

The things we look for around other stars do not necessarily surprise us. I think most astronomers were thinking we'd find planets around a lot of stars when the Kepler mission began its work. The question was how many -- Kepler was to give us a statistical measurement on the planet population within its field of stars, and it succeeded brilliantly. These days it seems clear that we can find planets around most stars, in all kinds of sizes and orbits, as we continue to seek an Earth 2.0.. The continuing news about the star PDS 70, a young T Tauri star about 400 light years away in Centaurus, fits the same mold. Here we're talking not just about planets but their moons. No exomoons have been confirmed, but there seems no reason to assume we won't begin to find them -- surely the process of forming moons is as universal as that of planet formation. The interest is in the observation, how it is made, and what it implies about our ability to move forward in characterizing planetary...

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Voice of the (SF) Master: Stanislaw Lem and the Philosophy of SETI

Milan M. ?irkovi?'s work has been frequently discussed on Centauri Dreams, as a glance in the archives will show. My own fascination with SETI and the implications of what has been called 'the Fermi question' led me early on to his papers, which explore the theoretical, cultural and philosophical space in which SETI proceeds. And there are few books in which I have put more annotations than his 2018 title The Great Silence: The Science and Philosophy of Fermi’s Paradox (Oxford University Press). Today Dr. ?irkovi? celebrates Stanislaw Lem, an author I first discovered way back in grad school and continue to admire today. A research professor at the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade, (Serbia), ?irkovi? obtained his PhD at the Dept. of Physics, State University of New York in Stony Brook in 2000 with a thesis in astrophysical cosmology. He tells me his primary research interests are in the fields of astrobiology (habitable zones, habitability of galaxies, SETI studies), philosophy...

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Radial Velocity: NEID Spectrograph Goes to Work

The NEID spectrograph has passed the Operational Readiness Review necessary for final acceptance and regular operations. Developed by NASA and the National Science Foundation's NN-EXPLORE exoplanet science program, it has been put through a lengthy commissioning process in the five years since the radial velocity planet hunter design was selected. NEID is mounted on the WIYN 3.5m telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona, and we now have word that its scientific mission has begun. Image: Sunset over Kitt Peak National Observatory during NEID commissioning in January 2020. Credit: Paul Robertson. As a radial velocity instrument, NEID is all about the tugs one or more planets exert on the host star, as measured radially -- toward Earth, then away from it -- during the planets' orbits. The Doppler shift in the star's light contains the information. That these are exquisitely tiny measurements should be obvious. Jupiter induces a 13 meter per second wobble on our star, but...

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Can Life Survive a Star’s Red Giant Phase?

If we ever find life on a planet orbiting a white dwarf star, it will be life that has emerged only after the red giant phase has passed and the white dwarf has emerged as a stellar relic. That's the conclusion of a study being discussed today at the National Astronomy Meeting of Britain's Royal Astronomical Society, which convened online due to COVID concerns. The work is also recently published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. At issue is the damage caused by powerful stellar winds that occur as a star makes the transition from red giant to white dwarf stage. This is the scenario that awaits our own Sun, which should swell to red giant status in roughly five billion years, eventually becoming a dense white dwarf about the size of the Earth. We've speculated in these pages about life surviving this phase of stellar evolution, but the study, in the hands of Dimitri Veras (Warwick University) concludes that this is all but impossible. We know that the Earth is...

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The Io Trigger: Radio Waves at Jupiter

Our recent discussion about Europa (Europa: Below the Impact Zone) has me thinking about those tempting Galilean moons and the problems they present for exploration. With a magnetic field 20,000 times stronger than Earth’s, Jupiter is a radiation generator. Worlds like Europa may well have a sanctuary for life beneath the ice, but exploring the surface will demand powerful radiation shielding for sensitive equipment, not to mention the problem of trying to protect a fragile human in that environment. Radiation at Europa’s surface is about 5.4 Sv (540 rem), although to be sure it seems to vary, with the highest radiation areas being found near the equator, lessening toward the poles. In human terms, that’s 1800 times the average annual sea-level dose. Europa is clearly a place for robotic exploration rather than astronaut boots on the ground. Jupiter offers up an environment where the solar wind, hurling electrically charged particles at ever-shifting velocities, interacts with the...

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Huge Comet Found to be Active

An interstellar freebie like 'Oumuamua or 2I/Borisov is priceless. We don't need to travel light years to see it because it comes to us. Although we're expecting to find a lot more such objects as instruments like the Vera Rubin Observatory come online, right now only two are known to have passed through our system. But only slightly less inaccessible places like the Oort Cloud also bring gifts in the form of long-period comets, and I don't want the advent of C/2014 UN271 Bernardinelli-Bernstein to go unnoticed in these pages, given its startling size and already detected activity. Pedro Bernardinelli (University of Pennsylvania), who along with colleague Gary Bernstein discovered the comet, estimates its nucleus as being between 100 and 200 kilometers (62 and 125 miles) long. This dwarfs Hale-Bopp, and Colin Snodgrass (University of Edinburgh) is quoted in the New York Times as saying: "With a reasonable degree of certainty, it's the biggest comet that we've ever seen." The...

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Carbon Isotopes as Clues to a Young Planet’s Formation

300 light years from Earth in the constellation Musca, the gas giant TYC 8998-760-1 b, along with a companion planet, orbits an infant K-class star about 17 million years old. We're probably looking at a brown dwarf here rather than a gas giant like Jupiter, for TYC 8998-760-1 b is about 14 times Jupiter's mass, nudging into brown dwarf territory, and it appears to be roughly three times as large, unusual for brown dwarfs. The planet's separation from its host star is pegged at 160 AU. An inflated atmosphere due to processes still unknown? We don't know, but both this and the companion planet have been directly imaged. Now TYC 8998-760-1 b resurfaces through work with the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope, as reported in the latest issue of Nature. Led by first author Yapeng Zhang (Leiden University, The Netherlands), the team of astronomers detected carbon isotopes in the object's atmosphere, showing higher than expected carbon-13 content. Here is the image, first...

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NEA Scout: Sail Mission to an Asteroid

Near-Earth Asteroid Scout (NEA Scout) is a CubeSat mission designed and developed at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. I'm always interested in miniaturization, allowing us to get more out of a given payload mass, but this CubeSat also demands attention because it is a solar sail, the trajectory of whose development has been a constant theme on Centauri Dreams. And while NASA has launched solar sails before (NanoSail-D was deployed in 2010), NEA Scout moves the ball forward by going beyond sail demonstrator stage to performing scientific investigations of an asteroid. As Japan did with its IKAROS sail, the technology goes interplanetary. Les Johnson (MSFC) is principal technology investigator for the mission: "NEA Scout will be America's first interplanetary mission using solar sail propulsion. There have been several sail tests in Earth orbit, and we are now ready to show we can use this new type of spacecraft propulsion...

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Europa: Below the Impact Zone

Yesterday we looked at the behavior of ice on Enceladus, a key to making long range plans for a lander there. But as we saw with Kira Olsen and team’s work, learning about the nature of ice on worlds with interior oceans has implications for other ice giant moons. This morning we look at the hellish surface environment of Europa, as high-energy radiation sleets down inside Jupiter’s magnetic field. Europa’s surface radiation will complicate operations there and demand extensive shielding for any lander. But below the ice, that interior ocean should be shielded and warm enough to offer the possibility of life. With Europa Clipper on pace for a 2024 launch, we need to ask how the surface ice has been shaped and where we might find biosignatures that could have been churned up from below. Tidal stresses on the ice leading to fracture are one way to force material up, but small impacts from above -- debris in the Jovian system -- also roil the surface. If we’re looking for potential...

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In Centauri Dreams, Paul Gilster looks at peer-reviewed research on deep space exploration, with an eye toward interstellar possibilities. For many years this site coordinated its efforts with the Tau Zero Foundation. It now serves as an independent forum for deep space news and ideas. In the logo above, the leftmost star is Alpha Centauri, a triple system closer than any other star, and a primary target for early interstellar probes. To its right is Beta Centauri (not a part of the Alpha Centauri system), with Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon Crucis, stars in the Southern Cross, visible at the far right (image courtesy of Marco Lorenzi).

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