The NEID spectrograph has passed the Operational Readiness Review necessary for final acceptance and regular operations. Developed by NASA and the National Science Foundation's NN-EXPLORE exoplanet science program, it has been put through a lengthy commissioning process in the five years since the radial velocity planet hunter design was selected. NEID is mounted on the WIYN 3.5m telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona, and we now have word that its scientific mission has begun. Image: Sunset over Kitt Peak National Observatory during NEID commissioning in January 2020. Credit: Paul Robertson. As a radial velocity instrument, NEID is all about the tugs one or more planets exert on the host star, as measured radially -- toward Earth, then away from it -- during the planets' orbits. The Doppler shift in the star's light contains the information. That these are exquisitely tiny measurements should be obvious. Jupiter induces a 13 meter per second wobble on our star, but...
Can Life Survive a Star’s Red Giant Phase?
If we ever find life on a planet orbiting a white dwarf star, it will be life that has emerged only after the red giant phase has passed and the white dwarf has emerged as a stellar relic. That's the conclusion of a study being discussed today at the National Astronomy Meeting of Britain's Royal Astronomical Society, which convened online due to COVID concerns. The work is also recently published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. At issue is the damage caused by powerful stellar winds that occur as a star makes the transition from red giant to white dwarf stage. This is the scenario that awaits our own Sun, which should swell to red giant status in roughly five billion years, eventually becoming a dense white dwarf about the size of the Earth. We've speculated in these pages about life surviving this phase of stellar evolution, but the study, in the hands of Dimitri Veras (Warwick University) concludes that this is all but impossible. We know that the Earth is...
The Io Trigger: Radio Waves at Jupiter
Our recent discussion about Europa (Europa: Below the Impact Zone) has me thinking about those tempting Galilean moons and the problems they present for exploration. With a magnetic field 20,000 times stronger than Earth’s, Jupiter is a radiation generator. Worlds like Europa may well have a sanctuary for life beneath the ice, but exploring the surface will demand powerful radiation shielding for sensitive equipment, not to mention the problem of trying to protect a fragile human in that environment. Radiation at Europa’s surface is about 5.4 Sv (540 rem), although to be sure it seems to vary, with the highest radiation areas being found near the equator, lessening toward the poles. In human terms, that’s 1800 times the average annual sea-level dose. Europa is clearly a place for robotic exploration rather than astronaut boots on the ground. Jupiter offers up an environment where the solar wind, hurling electrically charged particles at ever-shifting velocities, interacts with the...
Huge Comet Found to be Active
An interstellar freebie like 'Oumuamua or 2I/Borisov is priceless. We don't need to travel light years to see it because it comes to us. Although we're expecting to find a lot more such objects as instruments like the Vera Rubin Observatory come online, right now only two are known to have passed through our system. But only slightly less inaccessible places like the Oort Cloud also bring gifts in the form of long-period comets, and I don't want the advent of C/2014 UN271 Bernardinelli-Bernstein to go unnoticed in these pages, given its startling size and already detected activity. Pedro Bernardinelli (University of Pennsylvania), who along with colleague Gary Bernstein discovered the comet, estimates its nucleus as being between 100 and 200 kilometers (62 and 125 miles) long. This dwarfs Hale-Bopp, and Colin Snodgrass (University of Edinburgh) is quoted in the New York Times as saying: "With a reasonable degree of certainty, it's the biggest comet that we've ever seen." The...
Carbon Isotopes as Clues to a Young Planet’s Formation
300 light years from Earth in the constellation Musca, the gas giant TYC 8998-760-1 b, along with a companion planet, orbits an infant K-class star about 17 million years old. We're probably looking at a brown dwarf here rather than a gas giant like Jupiter, for TYC 8998-760-1 b is about 14 times Jupiter's mass, nudging into brown dwarf territory, and it appears to be roughly three times as large, unusual for brown dwarfs. The planet's separation from its host star is pegged at 160 AU. An inflated atmosphere due to processes still unknown? We don't know, but both this and the companion planet have been directly imaged. Now TYC 8998-760-1 b resurfaces through work with the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope, as reported in the latest issue of Nature. Led by first author Yapeng Zhang (Leiden University, The Netherlands), the team of astronomers detected carbon isotopes in the object's atmosphere, showing higher than expected carbon-13 content. Here is the image, first...
NEA Scout: Sail Mission to an Asteroid
Near-Earth Asteroid Scout (NEA Scout) is a CubeSat mission designed and developed at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. I'm always interested in miniaturization, allowing us to get more out of a given payload mass, but this CubeSat also demands attention because it is a solar sail, the trajectory of whose development has been a constant theme on Centauri Dreams. And while NASA has launched solar sails before (NanoSail-D was deployed in 2010), NEA Scout moves the ball forward by going beyond sail demonstrator stage to performing scientific investigations of an asteroid. As Japan did with its IKAROS sail, the technology goes interplanetary. Les Johnson (MSFC) is principal technology investigator for the mission: "NEA Scout will be America's first interplanetary mission using solar sail propulsion. There have been several sail tests in Earth orbit, and we are now ready to show we can use this new type of spacecraft propulsion...
Europa: Below the Impact Zone
Yesterday we looked at the behavior of ice on Enceladus, a key to making long range plans for a lander there. But as we saw with Kira Olsen and team’s work, learning about the nature of ice on worlds with interior oceans has implications for other ice giant moons. This morning we look at the hellish surface environment of Europa, as high-energy radiation sleets down inside Jupiter’s magnetic field. Europa’s surface radiation will complicate operations there and demand extensive shielding for any lander. But below the ice, that interior ocean should be shielded and warm enough to offer the possibility of life. With Europa Clipper on pace for a 2024 launch, we need to ask how the surface ice has been shaped and where we might find biosignatures that could have been churned up from below. Tidal stresses on the ice leading to fracture are one way to force material up, but small impacts from above -- debris in the Jovian system -- also roil the surface. If we’re looking for potential...
Shifting Ice on Enceladus
We could do with more information about how ice behaves on a gas giant’s moon. We’ll need this knowledge to understand the behavior of crustal ice on places like Europa and Enceladus, where oceans may provide sub-surface venues for life. One approach into the subject is to look at ice right here on Earth; specifically, the Antarctic ice shelves. A new study out of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center applies a model based on Antarctic data to the fractured south pole of Enceladus, probing tidally driven stress and seismic activity within an ice shell. We assume that tidal stresses produced by the moon’s interactions with Saturn, as well as the planet’s larger moons, keep the interior of Enceladus warm, while at the same time producing cracks and accounting for the geysers of water vapor Cassini found erupting from the so-called ‘Tiger Stripes’ (fractures) at the southern pole. The tides of Enceladus must be massive, and learning about the seismic activity they induce offers a key to...
Notes on the Magnetic Ramjet II
Building a Bussard ramjet isn't easy, but the idea has a life of its own and continues to be discussed in the technical literature, in addition to its long history in science fiction. Peter Schattschneider, who explored the concept in Crafting the Bussard Ramjet last February, has just published an SF novel of his own called The EXODUS Incident (Springer, 2021), where the Bussard concept plays a key role. But given the huge technical problems of such a craft, can one ever be engineered? In this second part of his analysis, Dr. Schattschneider digs into the question of hydrogen harvesting and the magnetic fields the ramjet would demand. The little known work of John Ford Fishback offers a unique approach, one that the author has recently explored with Centauri Dreams regular A. A. Jackson in a paper for Acta Astronautica. The essay below explains Fishback's ideas and the options they offer in the analysis of this extraordinary propulsion concept. The author is professor emeritus in...
Technosignatures: Enter the ‘Dataome’
I sometimes rely on nudges from my software to remind me of directions I've been meaning to take in a Centauri Dreams article. Seeing that Caleb Scharf has a new book out (The Ascent of Information), I was setting about ordering it when I noticed how many notes I had on my hard disk related to Scharf's work, a reminder of how provocative I find his writings. That took me back to a 2018 article called The Selfish Dataome, and also to the recent article The Origin of Technosignatures, which appeared a few days ago in Scientific American. Scharf (Columbia University) has the habit of asking questions no one else seems to have thought of. So let's kick this around a bit. The notion of a 'dataome' is about external things that a species generates. Scharf defines it as: a deeper way to quantify intelligent life, based on the external information that a species generates, utilizes, propagates and encodes in what we call technology—everything from cave paintings and books to flash...
Exoplanet Watch: Firming Up Transit Timing
Demonstrating once again the role amateurs can play in supporting ongoing observations, a new project linking NASA and the American Association of Variable Star Observers is being launched. Exoplanet Watch isn't about discovering new transiting planets (although the potential is there) as much as tightening up the information we already have about planets currently under investigation. The idea is to help professional observers know when to look, which allows them to maximize precious observing time on instruments that are always in high demand. Transit timing is the key, and the fact is that for many known exoplanets, knowing exactly when to look is problematic. Rob Zellem (JPL) is project lead for Exoplanet Watch: "If there's a 15-minute under-estimate of when a transit will occur, that's an extra 15 minutes I have to build into my observing scenario. Time on big telescopes, especially space telescopes, is very, very precious. If you're observing a lot of planets, [15 minutes]...
Email Subscribers: Changeover Almost Complete
The redirection of Centauri Dreams posts for those of you who subscribe via email is just about finished. My apologies to those readers who received two different email copies of recent posts. We're fixing that issue right now and I hope we'll be finalized within a day or two. The changeover has been necessitated because of Google's decision to stop supporting the Feedburner service that had previously supplied content via email.
Radiolytic H2: Powering Subsurface Biospheres
Although we've been focusing lately on photosynthesis, radiolysis -- the dissociation of molecules by ionizing radiation -- can produce food and energy for life below the surface and in deep oceans. Our interest in surface conditions thus needs to be complemented by the investigation of what may lie within, as Alex Tolley explains in today's essay. Indeed, biospheres in a planet's crust could withstand even the destruction of all surface life. The possible range of microorganisms well beyond the conventional habitable zone defined by liquid water is wide, and while detecting it will be challenging, we may be able to investigate the possibilities in our own system with landers, looking to a day when interstellar probes are possible to explore exoplanet interiors. by Alex Tolley "There may be only one garden of Eden here for large life forms such as ourselves. But living beings small enough to populate tiny pore spaces may well exist within several - and perhaps many-other planetary...
E-Mail Subscribers: New Service Now Working
I'll have something more to say about this later, but I did want to mention that the email subscribers to Centauri Dreams should now begin seeing the regular postings in their inbox via the services of I wanted to go ahead and mention this as several people wrote to verify that this was indeed my doing. The answer is yes, the messages are not a fishing expedition for malefactors, but the new delivery mechanism. Again, this applies to those who subscribe to the site by email. More about all this in about a week once we have things normalized.
TESS: How Many Planets Are We Missing?
Many of the planet-hosting stars being identified by TESS, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, may actually be binaries. Unless examined closely, a pair of stars can appear as a single object, requiring high resolution instrumentation to separate into its component parts. As it applies to exoplanet research, this is a problem, for TESS operates by the transit method, tracking the change in a star’s light curve as a planet crosses the face of the star. Light curves yield precious information, but the presence of a second star unknown to researchers can obscure smaller, rocky worlds, just the kind of object we’d like to eventually identify as an Earth 2.0. The problem seems to be wider than we have realized, given that about half of all stars exist in binary systems. New work has put some numbers on the problem. Conducted with data from the Gemini Observatory and the WIYN 3.5-meter telescope at Kitt Peak by NASA Ames researchers, the study examined TESS host stars using a...
A Long Period Super-Earth around a Nearby Star
Nu2 Lupi is a G-class star not all that far away in astronomical terms (48 light years) in the constellation Lupus, its proximity verified by parallax measurements and firmed up by the Hipparcos satellite. This is one of the closest G-class stars to our own, and it’s a fast mover in other ways, with a high radial velocity. Its age is estimated at roughly 12 billion years, making it one of the oldest stars near our system. HARPS spectrograph data pulled up three planets here in 2019, two of them later found to transit. And now we have, unexpectedly, a third transit. The surprising nature of the third relates to the distance of the third planet from the star. The two inner worlds, with masses between Earth’s and Neptune’s, take 12 and 28 days to orbit Nu2 Lupi. The third takes 107 days, far enough out that a transit seemed unlikely. The ratio of the diameter of the star to the diameter of the orbit comes into play in determining the probability of a transit. We have the European Space...
New Constraints on Exoplanet Photosynthesis
Most autotrophic organisms on Earth use photosynthesis to work their magic. Indeed, photosynthesis accounts for about 99 percent of Earth's entire biomass (a figure likely to change as we learn more about what lies beneath the surface). The process allows organic matter to be synthesized from inorganic elements, drawing on solar radiation as the energy source, and providing the oxygen levels needed to drive complex, multicellular life. Does photosynthesis occur in other star systems? We know that it emerged early on Earth, and can trace its development back to the Great Oxidation Event in the range of 2.4 billion years ago, although its origins are still under scrutiny. In a new paper, lead author Giovanni Covone (University of Naples) and colleagues examine the conditions needed for oxygen-based photosynthesis to develop on an Earth-like planet not just at Earth’s level of stellar flux but throughout the classical habitable zone. The key to the study is stellar radiation as received...
How Far Can Civilization Go?
Robert H. Gray, author of The Elusive Wow: Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, has searched for radio signals from other worlds using the Very Large Array and other radio telescopes. You'll find numerous links to his work in the archives here. In today's essay, Gray takes a look at a classic benchmark for assessing the energy use of civilizations, introducing his own take on Earth's position in the hierarchy and how these calculations affect the ongoing SETI effort. His article on the extended Kardashev scale appeared in The Astronomical Journal Photograph by Sharon Hoogstraten. by Robert H. Gray Human civilization has come an amazingly long way in a short time. Not long ago, our major source of energy was muscle power, often doing hard work, while today much more energy is available from fuels, fission, hydro, solar, and other sources without breaking a sweat. How far can civilization go? It's probably impossible...
A Chronological Look at a Transiting Earth
Call it the Earth Transit Zone, that region of space from which putative astronomers on an exoplanet could see the Earth transit the Sun. Lisa Kaltenegger (Cornell University) is director of the Carl Sagan Institute and the author of a 2020 paper with Joshua Pepper (LeHigh University) that examined the stars within the ETZ (see Seeing Earth as a Transiting World). While Kaltengger and Pepper identified 1004 main sequence stars within 100 parsecs that would see Earth as a transiting planet, Kaltenegger reminds us that stars are ever in motion. Given the abundant resources available in the European Space Agency's Gaia eDR3 catalog, why not work out positions and stellar motions to examine the question over time? After all, there are SETI implications here. We study planetary atmospheres using data taken during transits. Are we, in turn, the subject of such study from astronomers elsewhere in the cosmos? Thus Kaltenegger's new paper in Nature, written with Jackie Faherty (American...
Mixing and Growth in the Sun’s Protoplanetary Disk
The Allende meteorite is the largest carbonaceous chondrite meteorite ever discovered. Falling over Mexico's state of Chihuahua in 1969 and breaking up in the atmosphere, the object yielded over two tons of material that have provided fodder for scientists interested in the early days of the Solar System. The meteorite contains numerous calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs), which are considered to be the first kind of solids formed in the system 4.5 billion years ago. Samples of the Allende meteorite are considered 'primitive,' which in this parlance means unaffected by significant alteration since formation. Now a team led by Tom Zega (University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory) has gone to work on a dust grain from this object, in order to simulate the conditions under which it formed in the Sun's protoplanetary disk. The grain was drawn from one of several CAIs discovered in the Allende meteorite sample. Analysis of the sample's chemistry and crystal structure...