How Planetesimals Are Born

What governs the size of a newly forming star as it emerges from the molecular cloud around it? The answer depends upon the ability of gravity to overcome internal pressure within the cloud, and that in turn depends upon exceeding what is known as the Jeans Mass, whose value will vary with the density of the gas and its temperature. Exceed the Jeans mass and runaway contraction begins, forming a star whose own processes of fusion will arrest the contraction. At the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (Heidelberg), Hubert Klahr and colleagues have been working on a different kind of contraction, the processes within the protoplanetary disk around such young stars. Along with postdoc Andreas Schreiber, Klahr has come up with a type of Jeans Mass that can be applied to the formation of planetesimals. While stars in formation must overcome the pressure of their gas cloud, planetesimals work against turbulence within the gas and dust of a disk -- a critical mass is needed for the clump to...

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Lucy: Solar Panel Deployment Tests a Success

It's easy to forget how large our space probes have been. A replica of the Galileo probe during at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory can startle at first glance. The spacecraft was 5.3 meters high (17 feet), but an extended magnetometer boom telescoped out to 11 meters (36 feet). Not exactly the starship Enterprise, of course, but striking when you're standing there looking up at the probe and pondering what it took to deliver this entire package to Jupiter orbit in the 1990s. The same feeling settles in this morning with news out of Lockheed Martin Space, where in both December 2020 and February of 2021 final deployment tests were conducted on the solar arrays that will fly aboard the Lucy mission. Scheduled for launch this fall (the launch window opens on October 16), Lucy is to make a 12-year reconnaissance of the Trojan asteroids of Jupiter. Given that energy from the Sun is inversely proportional to the square of the distance, Lucy in Jupiter space will receive only 1/27th of the...

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Explaining Earth’s Carbon: Enter the ‘Soot Line’

Let's take a look at how Earth's carbon came to be here, through the medium of two new papers. This is a process most scientists have assumed involved molecules in the original solar nebula that wound up on our world through accretion as the gases cooled and the carbon molecules precipitated. But the first of the papers (both by the same team, though with different lead authors) points out that gas molecules carrying carbon won't do the trick. When carbon vaporizes, it does not condense back into a solid, and that calls for some explanation. University of Michigan scientist Jie Li is lead author of the first paper, which appears in Science Advances. The analysis here says that carbon in the form of organic molecules produces much more volatile species when it is vaporized, and demands low temperatures to form solids. Moreover, says Li, it does not condense back into organic form. "The condensation model has been widely used for decades. It assumes that during the formation of the...

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Roman Space Telescope: Planets in the Tens of Thousands

The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is the instrument until recently known as WFIRST (Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope), a fact I'll mention here for the last time just because there are so many articles about WFIRST in the archives. From now on, I'll just refer to the Roman Space Telescope, or RST. Given our focus on exoplanet research, we should keep in mind that the project's history has been heavily influenced by concepts for studying dark energy and the expansion history of the cosmos. The exoplanet component has grown, however, into a vital part of the mission, and now includes both gravitational microlensing and transit studies. We've discussed both methods frequently in these pages, so I'll just note that microlensing relies on the movement of a star and its accompanying planetary system in front of a background star, allowing the detection because of the resultant brightening of the background star's light. We're seeing the effects of the warping of spacetime caused by...

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Uranus: Detection of X-rays and their Implications

Just as Earth’s atmosphere scatters light from the Sun, both Jupiter and Saturn scatter X-rays produced by our star. In a new study using data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory, we now learn that Uranus likewise scatters X-rays, but with an interesting twist. For there is a hint -- and only a hint -- that scattering is only one of the processes at work here, and that could produce insights into a system that thus far we have been able to study up close only once, through the flyby of Voyager 2. As the paper on this work notes: “These fluxes exceed expectations from scattered solar emission alone.” Just what is going on here will demand further work. William Dunn (University College London) is lead author of the paper, which includes co-authors from an international team working with Chandra data from 2002 and 2017. In the image below, the X-ray data from Chandra is superimposed upon a 2004 observation of Uranus from the Keck telescope, which shows the planet at essentially the same...

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2I/Borisov: A Remarkably Pristine Interstellar Comet

The beauty of comet 2I/Borisov, the second interstellar object discovered in our Solar System, is that it looks and acts more or less like, well, an interstellar comet, without the puzzling characteristics of its predecessor, the still controversial ‘Oumuamua. 2I/Borisov’s cometary nature is clear in the latest observations from the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope, data from which also tell us that this is one of the most undisturbed relics of a circumstellar disk ever found. Scientists believe it never passed close to any star before its 2019 passage by the Sun. We don’t know around which star it formed, but Stefano Bagnulo (Armagh Observatory and Planetarium, Northern Ireland), lead author of one of two new papers on the object, says that 2I/Borisov “could represent the first truly pristine comet ever observed.” Bagnulo’s team used the FORS2 instrument on the VLT (FOcal Reducer and low dispersion Spectrograph), an instrument that can take spectra as well as...

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Shaping Circumstellar Disks

The circumstellar disks that give rise to planets occur in huge variety depending on the nature of star formation around them. Such disks form early as stars emerge, according to some recent work appearing within 10,000 years after the birth of the star. New work out of Leiden University in The Netherlands homes in on the environmental factors shaping the evolution of these disks, giving us a sense of how stellar systems differentiate as their planetary configurations form. The work, led by Francisca Concha-Ramírez, offers up a model of circumstellar disk formation in young star-forming regions. The formation model is a mathematical treatment that begins with the collapse of a giant molecular cloud and the subsequent formation of stars in a variety of masses, velocities and positions within a cluster. The disk formation model sets stellar evolution into motion at the same time as disk formation to study the interactions between the two as star-forming regions of varying densities...

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Theia: Tracking Remnants of the ‘Big Whack’

The ‘Big Whack,’ as I’ve heard it called, is the impact of a planetary embryo of perhaps Mars-size (or larger) that is thought to have struck the Earth during the latter era of planet formation. Or we can call it the ‘Giant Impact,’ as Arizona State scientists did in a presentation at the virtual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference recently concluded. Whatever the name, the event offers a model for the formation of the Moon, one that explains the latter’s small iron core and the anomalous high degree of angular momentum of the Earth-Moon system. The impact of the protoplanet called Theia would have been a fearsome thing, blasting pieces of both worlds into space that later coalesced into the Moon. Think When Worlds Collide, the 1933 science fiction novel written by Philip Wylie and Edwin Balmer, whose cover is irresistible and thus must be reproduced here. Better known, of course, is the 1951 film of the same name, produced by George Pal. Neither has anything to do with the Moon...

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Flow in Enceladus’ Internal Ocean

New thinking about the shape of the ice shell on Enceladus raises the interesting possibility that the ocean believed to lie beneath is churning with currents. That would be a departure from the accepted view that the ocean -- thought to be 30 kilometers deep or more, as opposed to Earth's average of 3.6 kilometers -- is relatively homogenous. Remember, this is a body of water buried beneath perhaps 20 kilometers of ice, locked within a moon that is 500 kilometers in diameter. We know it's there because a 2014 flyby of the Cassini Saturn orbiter collected data on geyser activity erupting through the striking fissures in the south polar ice. That immediately put Enceladus high on the list of astrobiologically interesting targets along with, of course, Jupiter's moon Europa. Image: A masterpiece of deep time and wrenching gravity, the tortured surface of Saturn's moon Enceladus and its ongoing geologic activity tell the story of the ancient and present struggles of one tiny world. A...

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Pluto: Musings on Scale

The news that Ingenuity, the helicopter aboard NASA's Perseverance rover, contains a swathe of fabric from the 1903 Wright Flyer underscores the conflation in time I've been feeling all week, ever since looking at the images below. The first, released by the New Horizons mission team, shows a speck to the right of Pluto. This is 486958 Arrokoth, the Kuiper Belt Object visited by New Horizons at the beginning of 2019 and superimposed in the Pluto image just for scale. Image: The main exploration targets of New Horizons: Pluto (2015) and the much smaller Arrokoth (2019), to scale. Other exploration targets included Pluto's five moons. Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL/Southwest Research Institute. The point is strikingly made: Pluto itself, which had been no more than a speck in our field of view in 1930, when what was deemed the ninth planet was discovered, has now become a world, and even the tiny Arrokoth is a well imaged object, the farthest ever visited by a spacecraft. Such...

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Comet Impact Enables Probe of Jupiter’s Winds

Scientists at the European Southern Observatory are describing newly observed wind processes on Jupiter as "a unique meteorological beast." I like the phrase and can see its application to the 1450 kilometer per hour jets they've uncovered near Jupiter's poles. Just how they made this detection is fascinating in its own right, since they drew on a spectacular natural event, the 1994 collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with the planet, to deduce current conditions. The molecules that were produced in that impact are the lever that moves the investigation, which is headed by Thibault Cavalié (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux). Image: This image shows an artist's impression of winds in Jupiter's stratosphere near the planet's south pole, with the blue lines representing wind speeds. These lines are superimposed on a real image of Jupiter, taken by the JunoCam imager aboard NASA's Juno spacecraft. Jupiter's famous bands of clouds are located in the lower atmosphere, where...

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Thoughts on Acceleration, Nitrogen Ice & the Local Standard of Rest

I've used the discovery of 'Oumuamua as a learning opportunity. I knew nothing about the Local Standard of Rest (LSR) when the analysis of the object began, but soon learned that it measured the mean motion of interstellar materials in the Milky Way near the Sun. The Sun moves clockwise as viewed from galactic north, with an orbital speed that has been measured, through interferometric techniques, at 255.2 kilometers per second, give or take 5.1 km/s. Invoking the LSR in this connection calls for a quote from Eric Mamajek (JPL/Caltech) in his paper "Kinematics of the Interstellar Vagabond 1I/'Oumuamua (A/2017 U1)" (abstract here): 'Oumuamua's velocity is within 5 km/s of the median Galactic velocity of the stars in the solar neighborhood (<25 pc), and within 2 km/s of the mean velocity of the local M dwarfs. Its velocity appears to be statistically "too" typical for a body whose velocity was drawn from the Galactic velocity distribution of the local stars (i.e. less than 1 in 500...

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‘Oumuamua: A Shard of Nitrogen Ice?

I’m only just getting to Steven Desch and Alan Jackson’s two papers on ‘Oumuamua, though in a just world (where I could clone myself and work on multiple stories simultaneously) I would have written them up sooner. Following Avi Loeb’s book on ‘Oumuamua, the interstellar object has been in the news more than ever, and the challenge it throws out by its odd behavior has these two astrophysicists, both at Arizona State, homing in on a possible solution. No extraterrestrial technologies in this view, but rather an unusual object made of nitrogen ice, common in the outer Solar System and likely to be similarly distributed in other systems. Think of it as a shard of a planet like Pluto, where nitrogen ice is ubiquitous. Desch and Jackson calculated the object’s albedo, or reflectivity, with the idea in mind, realizing that the ice would be more reflective than astronomers had assumed ‘Oumuamua was, and thus it could be smaller. As the authors note: “Its brightness would be consistent with...

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Technosignatures and the Age of Civilizations

Given that we are just emerging as a spacefaring species, it seems reasonable to think that any civilizations we are able to detect will be considerably more advanced -- in terms of technology, at least -- than ourselves. But just how advanced can a civilization become before it does irreparable damage to itself and disappears? This question of longevity appears as a factor in the famous Drake Equation and continues to bedevil SETI speculation today. In a paper in process at The Astronomical Journal, Amedeo Balbi (Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”) and Milan ?irkovi? (Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade) explore the longevity question and create a technosignature classification scheme that takes it into account. Here we’re considering the kinds of civilization that might be detected and the most likely strategies for success in the technosignature hunt. The ambiguity in Drake’s factor L is embedded in its definition as the average length of a civilization’s communication...

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A Path Forward for Technosignature Searches

Héctor Socas-Navarro (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias) is lead author of a paper on technosignatures that commands attention. Drawing on work presented at the TechnoClimes 2020 virtual meeting, under the auspices of NASA at the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science in Seattle, the paper pulls together a number of concepts for technosignature detection. Blue Marble’s Jacob Haqq-Misra is a co-author, as is James Benford (Microwave Sciences), Jason Wright (Pennsylvania State) and Ravi Kopparapu (NASA GSFC), all major figures in the field, but the paper also draws on the collected thinking of the TechnoClimes workshop participants. We’ve already looked at a number of technosignature possibilities in these pages, so let me look for commonalities as we begin, beyond simply listing possibilities, to point toward a research agenda, something that NASA clearly had in mind for the TechnoClimes meeting. The first thing to say is that technosignature work is nicely embedded within more...

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FTL: Thoughts on a New Paper by Erik Lentz

I see that Erik Lentz (Göttingen University) has just begun a personal blog, something that may begin to attract attention given that Dr. Lentz has offered up a new paper on faster than light travel. At the moment, the blog is bare-bones, listing only the paper itself (citation below) and an upcoming online talk that may be of interest. Here's what the Lentz blog has on this: Upcoming online talk to be given on 18 March 2021 at 3pm Eastern Standard Time for the Science Speaker Series at the Jim and Linda Lee Planetarium: I checked the URL and found the page with a countdown timer, so I assume the event is publicly accessible. I would imagine it will draw a number of curious scientists and lay-people. On the subject of faster than light travel, much of the work in the journals has evolved from Miguel Alcubierre's now well known paper "The Warp Drive: Hyper-fast travel within general relativity," which presented the idea of a 'bubble' of spacetime within...

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A Useful Nearby Super-Earth

Gliese 486b is, in the words of astronomer Ben Montet, "the type of planet we'll be studying for the next 20 years." Montet (University of New South Wales) is excited about this hot super-Earth because it's the closest such planet we've found to our own Solar System, at about 26 light years away. That has implications for studying its atmosphere, if it has one, and by extension sharpening our techniques for atmospheric analysis of other nearby worlds. The goal we're moving toward is being able to examine smaller rocky planets for biosignatures. But we're not there yet, and what we have in Gliese 486b is an exoplanet that has now been identified as a prime target for future space- and ground-based instruments, one that, given its proximity, is an ideal next step to push our methods forward. The paper on this work shows that two techniques can be deployed here, the first being transmission spectroscopy, when this transiting world passes in front of its star and starlight filters...

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Delivery Mechanism? Comet Catalina Shows Abundance of Carbon

Were the rocky worlds of the inner Solar System depleted in carbon as they formed, the so-called 'carbon deficit problem'? There is evidence for a system-wide carbon gradient in that era, which makes for interesting interactions between our Sun's habitable zone and the far reaches of the system, for as the planets gradually cooled, the carbon so necessary for life as we know it would have been available only far from the Sun. How much of a factor were early comets in bringing carbon into the inner system? This question underlies new work by Charles Woodward and colleagues. Woodward (University of Minnesota Twin Cities / Minnesota Institute of Astrophysics) focuses on Comet Catalina, which was discovered in early 2016. He sees carbon in the context of life: "Carbon is key to learning about the origins of life. We're still not sure if Earth could have trapped enough carbon on its own during its formation, so carbon-rich comets could have been an important source delivering this...

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A Method for Creating Enormous Space Telescopes

As we follow the progress of the James Webb Space Telescope through performance tests in preparation for launch, Robert Zubrin has been thinking of far larger instruments. The president of Pioneer Astronautics and founder of the Mars Society thinks we can create telescopes of extremely large aperture -- and sharply lower cost -- by using the physics of spinning gossamer membranes, a method suitable for early testing as a CubeSat demonstration mission. In today's essay, Dr. Zubrin explains the concept and considers how best to deploy next generation space telescopes reaching apertures as large as 1000 meters. We can't know what new phenomena such an instrument would find, but the Enormous Space Telescope fits the theme of breakthrough discovery outlined in his latest book, The Case for Space: How the Revolution in Spaceflight Opens Up a Future of Limitless Possibility (Prometheus, 2020). by Robert Zubrin Abstract This paper presents a method for creating Enormous Space Telescopes...

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P/2019 LD2: A Brief Interlude Among Jupiter’s Trojans

The orbital interactions between objects in a stellar system result in all kinds of interesting effects, a celestial pinball machine that sometimes flings planets outward to wander alone among the stars. Gas giants can be pulled from more distant orbits into a broiling proximity to their star. But the object known as P/2019 LD2 has a special interest because its interactions are happening in a tight time frame even as we observe them. We could call P/2019 LD2 a 'comet-like object,' because it sometimes acts like an asteroid, sometimes like a comet. It is in fact a Centaur, one of that group of outer system objects that only become active as they move into the inner system. We're watching a transition from Centaur to Jupiter family comet mediated by the gradually warming environment. This one evidently swung close to Jupiter roughly two years ago, to be flung by the giant planet's gravity toward the Trojan asteroid group that leads Jupiter in its orbit by some 700 million kilometers....

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In Centauri Dreams, Paul Gilster looks at peer-reviewed research on deep space exploration, with an eye toward interstellar possibilities. For many years this site coordinated its efforts with the Tau Zero Foundation. It now serves as an independent forum for deep space news and ideas. In the logo above, the leftmost star is Alpha Centauri, a triple system closer than any other star, and a primary target for early interstellar probes. To its right is Beta Centauri (not a part of the Alpha Centauri system), with Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon Crucis, stars in the Southern Cross, visible at the far right (image courtesy of Marco Lorenzi).

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