Our recent discussions of X-ray beaming to propel interstellar lightsails seem a good segue into Don Wilkins’ thoughts on the Chandra mission. Chandra, of course, is not a deep space probe but an observatory, and a revolutionary one at that, with the capability of working at the X-ray wavelengths that allow us to explore supernovae remnants, pulsars and black holes, as well as making observations that advance our investigation of dark matter and dark energy. This great instrument swims into focus today because it faces a funding challenge that may result in its shutdown. It’s a good time, then, to take a look at what Chandra has given us since launch, and to consider its significance as efforts to save the mission continue. We should get behind this effort. Let's save Chandra. by Don Wilkins On July 23, 1999, the Chandra X-ray Observatory deployed from Space Shuttle Columbia. Chandra along with the Hubble Space Telescope, Spitzer Space Telescope (decommissioned when its liquid helium...
Why X-Rays Can’t Push Interstellar Sails
Although solar sails were making their way into the aerospace journals in the late 1950s, Robert Forward was the first scientist to consider using laser beams rather than sunlight to drive a space sail. That concept, which György Marx picked up on in his 1966 paper, opened the door to interstellar mission concepts. Late in life in an unpublished memoir, Forward recalled reading about Theodore Maiman’s work on lasers at Hughes Research Laboratories, and realizing that this was a way to create a starship. His 1962 article (citation below) laid out the idea for the journal Missiles and Rockets and was later reprinted in Science Digest. Marx surely knew the Forward article and his subsequent paper in Nature probed how to achieve this goal. Image: One of the great figures of interstellar studies, Robert Forward among many other things introduced and explored the principles of beamed propulsion. Credit: UAH Library Robert L. Forward Collection. Marx was at that time a professor of...
Going Interstellar via Budapest
Studying the rich history of interstellar concepts, I realized that I knew almost nothing about a figure who is always cited in the early days of beamed sail papers. Whereas Robert Forward is considered the source of so many sail concepts, the earliest follow-up to his 1962 paper on beamed sails for interstellar purposes is by one G. Marx. The paper is “Interstellar Vehicle Propelled by Terrestrial Laser Beam,” which ran in Nature on July 2, 1966. Who is this G. Marx? My ever reliable sources quickly came through when I asked if any of them had known the man. None had, though all were familiar with the paper, but Al Jackson sent me a copy of it along with another by J. L. Redding (Bishop’s University, Canada), who published a correction to the Nature paper on February 11, 1967. It didn’t reduce my confusion that Redding’s short contribution bears the exact same title as Marx’s. My other contacts on Marx had no personal experience with him either but were curious to learn more. Image:...
A Shifting, Seething Solar Wind
In search of ever-higher velocities leaving the Solar System, we need to keep in mind the options offered by the solar wind. This stream of charged plasma particles flowing outward from the Sun carves out the protective bubble of the heliosphere, and in doing so can generate ‘winds’ of more than 500 kilometers per second. Not bad if we’re thinking in terms of harnessing the effect, perhaps by a magnetic sail that can create the field needed to interact with the wind, or an electric sail whose myriad tethers, held taut by rotation, create an electric field that repels protons and produces thrust. But like the winds that drove the great age of sail on Earth, the solar version is treacherous, as likely to becalm the ship as to cause its sails to billow. It’s a gusty, turbulent medium, one where those velocities of 500 kilometers and more per second can as likely fall well below that figure. Exactly how it produces squalls in the form of coronal mass ejections or calmer flows is a topic...
And Then There Were Four (or Maybe Not)
I’m delighted to see the high level of interest in Dysonian SETI shown not only by reader comments here but in the scientific community at large. I wouldn’t normally return to the topic this quickly but for the need to add a quick addendum to our discussions of Project Hephaistos, the effort (based at Uppsala University, Sweden) to do a deep dive into data from different observatories looking for evidence of Dyson spheres in the form of quirks in the infrared data suggesting strong waste heat. Swiftly after the latest Hephaistos paper comes a significant re-examination of the seven Dyson sphere candidates that made it through that project’s filters. You’ll recall that all seven were M-dwarfs, which struck me at the time as unusual. Only seven candidates emerged from over five million stars sampled, interesting especially because the possibility of a warm debris disk seemed to be ruled out. But Tongtian Ren (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics), working with Michael Garrett and...
Tantalizing New Images of Europa
What a pleasure to see new images from JunoCam, the visible-light camera aboard the Juno spacecraft that has now imaged in its peregrinations around Jupiter the surface of its most interesting moon. Our probing of Europa’s secrets has depended heavily upon the imagery returned by the Galileo spacecraft. That mission made its last flyby in 2000, and we have another wait while ESA’s Juice mission and Europa Clipper make the journey, the former enroute, the latter scheduled for an October launch. Juno’s 2022 flyby thus gave us a helpful visual update, one that is complemented by an informative snapshot taken by the spacecraft’s Stellar Reference Unit (SRU) star camera. While we have five high resolution images to work with, the Stellar Reference Unit’s black-and-white image has produced the most detail. The image is intriguing because of its method, for bear in mind that the SRU is designed to track stars for navigation purposes. That makes it a dim light instrument, one that must be...
New Horizons: Mapping at System’s Edge
Dust between the stars usually factors into our discussions on Centauri Dreams when we’re considering its effect on fast-moving spacecraft. Although it only accounts for 1 percent of the mass in the interstellar medium (the other 99 percent being gas) its particles and ices have to be accounted for when moving at a substantial fraction of the speed of light. As you would expect, regions of star formation are particularly heavy in dust, but we also have to account for its presence if we’re modeling deceleration into a planetary system, where the dust levels will far exceed the levels found along a star probe’s journey. Clearly, dust distribution is something we need to learn more about when we're going out from as well as into a planetary system, an effort that extends all the way back to Pioneers 10 and 11, which included instruments to measure interplanetary dust. Voyager 1 and 2 carry dust detecting instruments, and so did Galileo and Cassini, the latter with its Cosmic Dust...
Seven Dyson Sphere Candidates
I’m enjoying the conversation about Project Hephaistos engendered by the article on Dyson spheres. In particular, Al Jackson and Alex Tolley have been kicking around the notion of Dyson sphere alternatives, ways of preserving a civilization that are, in Alex’s words, less ‘grabby’ and more accepting of their resource limitations. Or as Al puts it: One would think that a civilization that can build a ‘Dyson Swarm’ for energy and natural resources would have a very advanced technology. Why then does that civilization not deploy an instrumentality more sly? Solving its energy needs in very subtle ways… As pointed out in the article, a number of Dyson sphere searches have been mounted, but we are only now coming around to serious candidates, and at that only seven out of a vast search field. Two of these are shown in the figure below. We’re a long way from knowing what these infrared signatures actually represent, but let’s dig into the Project Hephaistos work from its latest paper in...
Project Hephaistos and the Hunt for Astroengineering
For a project looking for the signature of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, the name Hephaistos is an unusually apt choice. And indeed the leaders of Project Hephaistos, based at Uppsala University in Sweden, are quick to point out that the Greek god (known as Vulcan in Roman times) was a sort of preternatural blacksmith, thrown off Mt. Olympus for variously recounted transgressions and lame from the fall, a weapons maker and craftsman known for his artifice. Consider him the gods’ technologist. Who better to choose for a project that pushes SETI not just throughout the Milky Way but to myriads of galaxies beyond? Going deep and far is a sensible move considering that we have absolutely no information about how common life is beyond our own Earth, if it exists at all. If the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in any given galaxy is scant, then a survey looking for evidence of Hephaistos-style engineering writ large will comb through existing observational data from...
Set Your Gyros for Mars: Giving a Second Chance to Conquest of Space
Larry Klaes began developing a following for his deep dives into science fiction cinema long ago on Centauri Dreams, through memorable looks at films like The Thing from Another World, Forbidden Planet and The Day the Earth Stood Still. Although he delves into recent films as well, Larry's frequent focus on the 1950s always intrigues me, as he places these movies in the context of our developing, rapidly changing ideas about the spacefaring future. How did our views of space travel change over time as we went from Sputnik to Apollo, and where are they heading today? All of that is a subtext in today's look at Conquest of Space, an odd and irritating take on interplanetary travel with an unusual pedigree and cultural echoes that persist. by Larry Klaes Imagine if the iconic ground (and space) breaking science fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey, first released into theaters in early 1968, had actually been put together over one decade earlier – in the mid-1950s, to be more precise. Now...
GDEM: Mission of Gravity
If space is infused with ‘dark energy,’ as seems to be the case, we have an explanation for the continuing acceleration of the universe’s expansion. Or to speak more accurately, we have a value we can plug into the universe to make this acceleration happen. Exactly what causes that value remains up for grabs, and indeed frustrates current cosmology, for something close to 70 percent of the total mass-energy of the universe needs to be comprised of dark energy to make all this work. Add on the mystery of ‘dark matter’ and we actually see only some 4 percent of the cosmos. So there’s a lot out there we know very little about, and I’m interested in mission concepts that seek to probe these areas. The conundrum is fundamental, for as a 2017 study from NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concepts office tells me, “...a straightforward argument from quantum field theory suggests that the dark energy density should be tens of orders of magnitude larger than what is observed.” Thus we have what is...
ACS3: Refining Sail Deployment
Rocket Lab, a launch service provider based in Long Beach CA, launched a rideshare payload on April 23 from its launch complex in New Zealand. I’ve been tracking that launch because aboard the Electron rocket was an experimental solar sail that NASA is developing to study boom deployment. This is important stuff, because the lightweight materials we need to maximize payload and performance are evolving, and so are boom deployment methods. Hence the Advanced Composite Solar Sail System (ACS3), created to test composites and demonstrate new deployment methods. The thing about sails is that they are extremely scalable. In fact, it’s remarkable how many different sizes and shapes of sails we’ve discussed in these pages, ranging from Jordin Kare’s ‘nanosails’ to the small sails envisioned by Breakthrough Starshot that are just a couple of meters to the side, and on up to the behemoth imaginings of Robert Forward, designed to take a massive starship with human crew to Barnard’s Star and...
Voyager 1: A Splendid Fix
Although it’s been quite some time since I’ve written about Voyager, our two interstellar craft (and this is indeed what they are at present, the first to return data from beyond the heliosphere) are never far from my mind. That has been the case since 1989, when I stayed up all night for the Neptune encounter and was haunted by the idea that we were saying goodbye to these doughty travelers. Talk about naivete! Now that I know as many people in this business as I do, I should have realized just how resilient they were, and how focused on keeping good science going from deep space. Not to mention how resilient and well-built the craft they control are. Thirty five years have passed since the night of that encounter (I still have VCR tape from it on my shelf), and the Voyagers are still ticking. This despite the recent issues with data return from Voyager 1 that for a time seemed to threaten an earlier than expected end to the mission. We all know that it won’t be all that long before...
SETI and Gravitational Lensing
Radio and optical SETI look for evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations even though we have no evidence that such exist. The search is eminently worthwhile and opens up the ancillary question: How would a transmitting civilization produce a signal strong enough for us to detect it at interstellar distances? Beacons of various kinds have been considered and search strategies honed to find them. But we've also begun to consider new approaches to SETI, such as detecting technosignatures in our astronomical data (Dyson spheres, etc.). To this mix we can now add a consideration of gravitational lensing, and the magnifications possible when electromagnetic radiation is focused by a star’s mass. For a star like our Sun, this focal effect becomes useful at distances beginning around 550 AU. Theoretical work and actual mission design for using this phenomenon began in the 1990s and continues, although most work has centered on observing exoplanets. Here the possibilities are remarkable,...
Medusa: Deep Space via Nuclear Pulse
The propulsion technology the human characters conceive in the Netflix version of Liu Cixin’s novel The Three Body Problem clearly has roots in the ideas we’ve been kicking around lately. I should clarify that I’m talking about the American version of the novel, which Netflix titles ‘3 Body Problem,’ and not the Chinese 30-part series, which is also becoming available. In the last two posts, I’ve gone through various runway concepts, in which a spacecraft is driven forward by nuclear explosions along its route of flight. We’ve also looked at pellet options, where macroscopic pellets are fired to a departing starship to impart momentum and/or to serve as fusion fuel. All this gets us around the problem of carrying propellant, and thus offers real benefits in terms of payload capabilities. Even so, it was startling to hear the name Stanislaw Ulam come up on a streaming TV series. Somebody was doing their homework, as Freeman Dyson liked to say. Ulam’s name will always be associated...
Fusion Pellets and the ‘Bussard Buzz Bomb’
Fusion runways remind me of the propulsion methods using pellets that have been suggested over the years in the literature. Before the runway concept emerged, the idea of firing pellets at a departing spacecraft was developed by Clifford Singer. Aware of the limitations of chemical propulsion, Singer first studied charged particle beams but quickly realized that the spread of the beam as it travels bedevils the concept. A stream of macro-pellets, each several grams in size, would offer a better collimated ‘beam’ that would vaporize to create a hot plasma thrust when it reaches the spacecraft. Even a macro-pellet stream does ‘bloom’ over time – i.e., it loses its tight coherency because of collisions with interstellar dust grains – but Singer was able to show through papers in The Journal of the British Interplanetary Society that particles over one gram in weight would be sufficiently massive to minimize this. In any case, collimation could also be ensured by electromagnetic fields...
The Interstellar Fusion Runway Evolves
Let’s talk about how to get a spacecraft moving without onboard propellant. As noted last week, this is apropos of the design shown in the Netflix streaming video take on Liu Cixin’s novels, which the network titles ‘3 Body Problem.’ There, a kind of ‘runway’ is conceived, one made up of nuclear weapons that go off in sequence to propel a sail and its payload. The plan is to attain 0.012 c and reach an oncoming fleet that is headed to Earth but will not arrive for another four centuries. This is an intriguing notion, and one with echoes in the interstellar literature. Because Johndale Solem mixed sails and nuclear weapons in a design called ‘Medusa’ that he described in a Los Alamos report back in 1991, although its roots go back decades earlier, as I’ll discuss in an upcoming article. Mixing sails, nuclear weapons and a fusion runway is an unusual take, a hybrid concept that caught my eye immediately, as it did that of Al Jackson, who alluded to runways in a paper in the 1970s. I’ve...
Interstellar Propulsion in ‘3 Body Problem’
You never know when a new interstellar propulsion concept is going to pop up. Some of us have been kicking around fusion runway ideas, motivated by Netflix’s streaming presentation of the Liu Cixin novel The Three Body Problem. There Earth is faced with invasion from an extraterrestrial civilization, but with centuries to solve the problem because it will take that long for the fleet to arrive. Faced with the need to get as much information as possible about the invaders, scientists desperately search for a way to get human technology up to 1.2 percent of lightspeed to intercept the fleet. Image: 20 different examples of periodic solutions to the three body problem. Credit: Perosello/Wikimedia Commons. CC BY-SA 4.0. So how would you do that with technology not much more advanced than today’s? The Netflix show’s solution is ingenious, though confusing for those who assume that the Netflix ‘3 Body Problem’ is based solely on the first of the Cixin novels. Actually it edges into the...
Deep Space Trajectories: Exiting the Heliosphere
Eugene Parker, after whom the Parker Solar Probe was named, seems to have been the first to have accurately predicted the stream of particles emitted by the Sun that forms the ‘solar wind.’ Parker made the call in a 1958 paper, when solar sailing was just being noised about for the first time, so it wouldn’t have struck him that the term was a bit incautious. Today, when solar sailing is operational, people often assume the solar wind drives solar sails, when in fact the operating principle for solar sails is the momentum generated by photons, which are themselves massless. But streaming particles are indeed a kind of ‘wind,’ and there are magnetic sail concepts tailored for them too. As always, we have to be careful about terminology, especially given the significance of the solar wind in defining our Solar System’s environment. Solar transients likewise have to be considered, because in addition to solar flares, we have to factor in coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and the particles...
A Week Inside Centauri Dreams
No posts this week, as I am wrapping up an overhaul of some of the site's internals. When I say 'I,' I really mean my brilliant web guru, whose team has worked tirelessly to fix a major problem with the archives. The problem has to do with special characters of the sort used often in scientific papers. An upgrade to the site software some months back caused many of these to render improperly, and fixing what seemed a simple issue has proven extraordinarily complex. As best I can tell, we now have about 85 percent of the problem solved, and the changes will be implemented in a few days. After that, I will be identifying and fixing the remainder one by one. There are reasons for the baroque nature of this procedure, but they're too complicated to explain here. Please keep the comments coming, as I'll continue to moderate them as these changes are being put into place.