Solar Sail Close to Launch

As we near launch, let's run through the Cosmos 1 sail mission again. The vehicle is privately funded (by Ann Druyan's Cosmos Studios and The Planetary Society), and will be launched aboard a converted Russian ICBM. Once in orbit, the spacecraft will deploy eight mylar sails. The principle is straightforward: Photons have no mass but they do carry momentum. As solar photons strike the sail blades, Cosmos 1's orbit should change, providing a test of solar sailing that can be measured from the ground. A later microwave beaming experiment may be able to measure the effect beamed propulsion has on the spacecraft, though the primary mission goal remains to test the principles of solar sailing by photons alone. Launch is now scheduled for June 21 from a submerged Russian submarine in the Barents Sea. The mission will be controlled from the Lavochkin Association in Moscow and assisted by a project operations center at The Planetary Society's headquarters in Pasadena. Everyone will be...

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Astrodynamics at Princeton

Ed Belbruno did a terrific job putting together the New Trends in Astrodynamics and Applications II conference, from which I returned yesterday. I chose to drive to Princeton because of my growing aversion to airline travel. It was a long but generally uneventful drive except for the usual delays around Washington DC -- over an hour to clear the Beltway because of construction on one of the access ramps. But driving through western New Jersey is, as anyone who has done it knows, a pleasant experience, beautiful farmlands giving way to small villages here and there, with Princeton itself an oasis of lovely architecture, fine restaurants and, of course, a great university. About the only thing that didn't cooperate was the weather -- we had a chill rain for the first two days -- but Peyton Hall is about half a mile from the Nassau Inn, Princeton's fine colonial-era hostelry, and it was an energizing walk even with umbrella. The conference sessions were intense; we generally ran from...

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New Trends in Astrodynamics

Centauri Dreams will be in Princeton over the weekend for the New Trends in Astrodynamics conference (Web site here). Topics are to range from upcoming missions to low-energy trajectories (a specialty of conference organizer Edward Belbruno) and near-Earth object impact projections. Among the papers targeting advanced propulsion technologies: Gregory Matloff, "Phobos/Diemos Sample Return via Solar Sail" Marc Millis, "Assessing Potential Propulsion Breakthroughs" Edgar Choueiri, "Advanced Propulsion Concepts for High-Energy Space Exploration Missions" I will be presenting "The Interstellar Conundrum: A Survey of Concepts and Proposed Solutions." And it will be wonderful to have the chance to talk to two Italian theorists, Giancarlo Genta (Politecnico di Torino) and Claudio Maccone (Alenia Spazio), whose work I have long admired. It should be a rich and full weekend, busy enough to require a brief suspension of postings here. Centauri Dreams will resume its normal publication schedule...

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Microwave Beaming and the Cosmos Sail

We're closing in on the launch of the Cosmos 1 solar sail, the first free-flying spacecraft to be powered by the momentum of solar photons. Yes, there have been deployment experiments before this, such as the Russian Znamya missions and the Japanese deployment of a thin film just last summer. But Cosmos 1 will be a functioning spacecraft capable of returning data, and its launch thus marks an important first in sail development. The launch window opens on June 21. The spacecraft is to be launched into a near polar and circular 800 kilometer orbit, with sail deployment four days later. Cosmos 1 has been moved from the test facility in Moscow to Severomorsk; the plan calls for it to be launched by a converted Russian ICBM from a submerged submarine. If successful, the mission will be a landmark not only for sail propulsion but also for commercial space development. The vehicle was funded by Cosmos Studios, with donations from members of the Planetary Society, whose latest update on the...

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Fine-Tuning the Interstellar Lightsail

Robert Forward's early work on the beamed-energy lightsail, exemplified by the 1984 paper "Round-trip Interstellar Travel Using Laser-Pushed Lightsails," came to grips with the central challenges of interstellar travel. As described in a recent paper on beamed energy requirements for laser sails, these are: How to reach a nearby star within a human lifetime? How to achieve this with known physics? How to hold down the cost, which also means minimizing the energy requirements? How to return the crew to Earth at the end of their explorations? Forward's methods involved huge laser installations near the Sun, lenses fully 1000-kilometers in diameter in the outer Solar System, and a vast sail constructed in three parts so it could be separated (staged), with the outer ring projecting light back on the inner two for deceleration at destination, using the still powerful laser beam from the Sol system. The method is complicated, ingenious and extraordinarily creative. But can we improve on...

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Near Term Technologies II: SailBeam

Centauri Dreams first ran across Jordin Kare's remarkable SailBeam concept in a report called "High-Acceleration Micro-Scale Laser Sails for Interstellar Propulsion" that the astrophysicist prepared for NASA's Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC). The idea seemed outrageously simple: if you accelerate vast numbers of tiny sails rather than one enormous one, you can bring the same amount of mass to high speeds with a less complex optical system. Using dielectric rather than metal sails, you can accelerate the sails much closer to their power source. The stream of microsails then becomes a source of propulsion as it is vaporized into plasma behind a departing starship. Dana Andrews, who has worked with Kare on magsail concepts, notes that a SailBeam Boosted Magsail (SBBM) solves a key problem of particle beam propulsion. A neutral particle beam will disperse as it travels, but a stream of low-mass microsails is not limited by such diffraction. Andrews' MagOrion concept explored some...

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Interstellar Flight Using Near-Term Technologies

In a paper called "Interstellar Propulsion Opportunities Using Near-Term Technologies," Dana G. Andrews (Andrews Space, Seattle) sees two criteria for an interstellar mission. First, it must return results within the lifetime of its principal investigator or the average colonist. Second, it must find cost-effective ways to generate energy and to convert raw energy into directed momentum. These are steep requirements -- we're talking 15 to 20 percent of the speed of light, or 45,000 to 60,000 kilometers per second. Centauri Dreams questions the first criterion, but the need for efficient and effective propulsion is true no matter how fast a mission we manage to design. Robert Forward's massive Fresnel lenses (1000 kilometers in diameter 15 AU from the laser source) are one of those 'small problems in engineering' that the irrepressible Forward managed to concoct while not violating known physics. And Andrews points to a lightsail alternative -- building solar-pumped or...

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Interstellar Flight by Particle Beam Revisited

Beamed propulsion is the classic solution to the mass ratio problem in interstellar flight. Rather than pushing more and more fuel to get your payload to another star system, you leave the fuel behind. Robert Forward's vast lightsail proposals come immediately to mind, but in 2001 physicist Geoffrey Landis proposed propulsion by particle beam, with energy delivered from the Solar System to the departing spacecraft. The notion is this: a charged particle beam is accelerated and focused, then neutralized in charge to prevent the beam from expanding as it travels due to electrostatic repulsion. When the particles reach their target, they are re-ionized and reflected by a magnetic sail, which Landis originally conceived as 'a large superconducing loop with a diameter of many tens of kilometers.' The particle-beam idea seems to solve two problems with lightsails: First, a light beam provides a relatively inefficient energy source, demanding huge power facilities and thus driving up the...

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Oort Cloud Explorer: Fast Mission to the Comets

How do you build an interstellar solar sail? Back in the 1980s, two studies of sail design set parameters that before then had remained largely unanalyzed. Gregory Matloff and Eugene Mallove were able to show in their papers "Solar Sail Starships: Clipper Ships of the Galaxy" and the later "The Interstellar Solar Sail: Optimization and Further Analysis," that a so-called 'sundiver' trajectory coud produce exit velocities from the Solar System on the order of 1000 kilometers per second, even for large payloads. Both papers appeared in the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, which remains the leading venue for interstellar studies. A sundiver maneuver is tricky stuff; the spacecraft is established on a hyperbolic solar orbit that swings close to the Sun; at perihelion (closest approach), the sail is exposed to sunlight (having, perhaps, been shielded until now by an occulting object, such as a small asteroid). Make the sail reflective enough and the accompanying linkages to...

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Solar Sail Launch Now Scheduled for April

The Planetary Society offers an update on its Cosmos 1 solar sail with the announcement that the spacecraft launch date has slipped to April. Planetary Society executive director Louis Friedman said all flight components had been tested and a full-mission sequence simulated with the spacecraft's on-board computer. The sails are not yet attached to the spacecraft, but will be folded for attachment within the next two weeks. Cosmos 1 will then undergo vacuum chamber testing to check for leaks in its compressed air and fuel lines before being shipped to the launch area. Launch will be aboard a Volna rocket from a Delta III Russian submarine in the Barents Sea. "There is no way to simulate or adequately test how a sail, which is 30 meters long and 5-millionths of a meter thick, will behave under weightless conditions in a vacuum," writes Friedman. "It could oscillate, bounce around and even rip apart. Or it could spread wide and sail effortlessly on beams of light as we hope it will. Our...

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Thinking Interstellar? Head for Albuquerque

The Space Technology and Applications International Forum (STAIF) opens today in Albuquerque. That makes New Mexico the place to be for new propulsion concepts and mission studies -- STAIF-2005 hosts six concurrent conferences organized by the University of New Mexico's Institute for Space and Nuclear Power Studies, and attendance is international in scope. Everything is on the table, from low-cost launch vehicles to nuclear propulsion, from robotics concepts for deep space missions to quantum entanglement. The proceedings of STAIF-2005 will be published by the American Institute of Physics, but Centauri Dreams will be digging around before then trying to come up with information on interstellar issues presented at the conference. Papers that catch the eye from a quick glance through this massive program: "The GEM (Gravity-Electro-Magnetism) Theory of Field Unification and its Application to Human Flight and Gravity Wave Production and Detection" -- John Brandenburg, Florida Space...

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A Viable, Near-Term Solar Sail

If we're looking for an operational solar sail mission that is within our current capabilities -- as Colin McInnes discusses in the quote from his book in yesterday's entry -- GEOSTORM seems just the ticket, and indeed, McInnes has contributed significantly to its design and orbital dynamics. The mission was first conceived at Goddard Space Flight Center and proposed to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the 1990s. NOAA requested a mission concept study from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1996. GEOSTORM is conceived as a warning system for geomagnetic storms, which are the result of violent events that release plasma from the solar corona. Predicting them is important because they can affect satellite communications and damage geostationary spacecraft, as well as wreaking havoc with power grids on Earth. But GEOSTORM is also a mission that could advance the state of the art in solar sails as we look toward future deep space missions, including probes to...

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A Quote for the Weekend

"In order to advance solar sailing, proponents need to step back from their enthusiasm which can give the mistaken impression that it is an elegant idea which should be funded for the sake of aesthetics. A cold look at the strengths and weaknesses of the technology is required in order to build a convincing case for support. In particular, it is the weaknesses of solar sailing, either real of perceived, which need to be addressed. While the obvious advantage of potentially unlimited velocity change is perhaps the greatest benefit, it is useless if the first operational solar sails fail to deploy. Historical problems with the deployment of even modest space structures can unfortunately taint solar sailing by association. Similarly, competition from solar-electric propulsion is still a threat, although the new institutional approach to advanced technologies provides a welcome opportunity for exploitation. Given these factors, it seems that what is required is a small, low-cost and...

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New Sail Design to Reach 60 Kilometers Per Second

New Scientist is covering Gregory and James Benford's intriguing sail concept that would get a spacecraft up to 60 kilometers per second. That's faster than any spacecraft we've ever launched; by comparison, the fastest vehicle out there is Voyager 1, now pushing toward the heliopause at some 17.5 kilometers per second. The brothers Benford (Gregory from the University of California -- Irvine and James of Microwave Sciences in Lafayette, CA), talk about beamed microwaves driving a sail design with a difference. At play here is an effect James Benford discovered when testing a thin, carbon-mesh sail with beamed microwaves. The forces exerted on the sail turned out to be stronger than expected, because the heat from the microwave beam was causing outgassing from material in the sail itself. It was the push from these unexpected gas molecules that gave the sail the extra push. You can read the New Scientist story here. I haven't talked to James Benford since 2003, but even then he was...

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A Quote for the Weekend

"It was only a few centuries ago that people began to realize that those points of light in the night sky were suns, like our Sun, and like our Sun, they might have planets around them. Many visionaries then dreamed and wrote of visiting those other planets in ships that traveled between the stars. Later, when astronomers were able to estimate the distance to the nearer stars, others concluded that, because interstellar distances were so immense and human life so short, interstellar travel was impossible. "Travel to the stars will be difficult and expensive. It will take decades of time, gigawatts of power, kilograms of energy and trillions of dollars. Recently, however, some new technologies have emerged and are under development for other purposes, that show promise of providing propulsion systems that will make interstellar travel feasible within the forseeable future -- if the world community decides to direct its energies and resources in that direction. Make no mistake --...

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2004 a Good Year for Solar Sails

Interstellar propulsion studies were upstaged in 2004 as we followed planetary exploration: the progress of the Spirit and Opportunity Mars rovers, the Cassini Saturn orbiter and the upcoming Huygens descent onto Titan. But the year was not without significant interstellar news, even though it received little media attention. In separate tests in Ohio and Virginia, two NASA contractors successfully tested solar sail deployments on sails of their own design. In July, L'Garde (Tustin CA) deployed a solar sail nearly 33 feet in length along one side; a separate design created by Able Engineering of Goleta was tested in April and May. The engineering and analysis that went into these tests will help us get sails into space for testing even as we await the launch of the private Cosmos 1 sail sponsored by the Planetary Society. Image: A four-quadrant solar sail system sits fully deployed in a 100-foot-diameter vacuum chamber at NASA's Glenn Research Center Plum Brook Station in Sandusky,...

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Cosmos 1 Launch Date Set

The Planetary Society has announced that its Cosmos 1 solar sail is to be launched on March 1, 2005. A letter to members from executive director Louis Friedman, who worked on NASA sail designs for an aborted Halley's comet mission in the 1970s, called Cosmos 1 'the world's first solar sail spacecraft.' And indeed it is, if by 'spacecraft' we mean 'free-flying vehicle.' The first Russian Znamya experiments with sail deployment are over a decade old, and involved a 20-meter spinning sail-mirror. Although Znamya was intended to demonstrate the practicality of beaming solar energy to polar and subarctic settlements, the design pointed to a larger concept. When I talked to him last year at JPL, NASA sail expert 'Hoppy' Price showed me a photograph of the deployed sail-mirror, which had problems. "...there are these wrinkles in the sail, so it didn't really work quite the way it was supposed to work," Price said. "And it was a lot heavier than what we'd like to build. But the more we study...

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Slingshot to the Outer Planets?

The conference of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society continues in Louisville. Among the papers presented at today's Advanced Propulsion session were three of particular interest for interstellar advocates. Les Johnson, who heads up NASA's In-Space Propulsion Technology Program, gave an overview on the technology portfolio now being examined. "Some of the most promising technologies for achieving these goals use the environment of space itself for energy and propulsion and are generically called, 'propellantless' because they do not require on-board fuel to achieve thrust," Johnson wrote in a precis of the talk. "Propellantless propulsion technologies include scientific innovations such as solar sails, electrodynamic and momentum transfer tethers, aeroassist, and aerocapture." Both solar sails and aerocapture are candidates for flight validation as early as 2008. Two other presentations of particular note: "Solar Sail Propulsion: A Simple,...

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New Tracking Options for Cosmos 1 Solar Sail

The Planetary Society has struck two agreements with US government agencies to track its Cosmos 1 solar sail. Although ground stations near Moscow will provide the bulk of the tracking, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) will also monitor the mission from its National Environmental Satellite Data Information Service site in Alaska. The US Air Force, meanwhile, will provide images of the deployed sail from the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing site at Haleakala, Hawaii. Other tracking will be provided by the University of California's Berkeley Space Science Laboratory ground station and a ground station in the Czech Republic. Funded by The Planetary Society and Cosmos Studios, the spacecraft was built in Russia by NPO Lavochkin and the Space Research Institute. Planetary Society executive director Louis Friedman has announced that all electronic systems aboard the spacecraft have been flight-qualified and the components have been shipped to the NPO...

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Laser Propulsion: Leave the Fuel at Home

Firing a laser at a metal target causes an explosion of ions that can be harnessed into an exotic form of propulsion. Called 'laser ablation technology,' the method is being studied intensively by the Laser Propulsion Group at the University of Alabama at Huntsville. Each pound of material generates five to ten times more thrust than a pound of chemical rocket fuel and oxidizer, according to a UAH press release. The method was demonstrated last June 7 in a Huntsville laboratory, constituting the first successful demonstration of laser-powered rocket propulsion in a vacuum, according to Dr. Andrew Pakhomov, associate professor of physics at UAH and a key player in the field of beamed energy propulsion. Research assistant Tim Cohen will make the first public presentation on this event on Wednesday at the Third International Symposium on Beamed Energy Propulsion at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. Laser propulsion normally brings Leik Myrabo to mind (and indeed,...

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In Centauri Dreams, Paul Gilster looks at peer-reviewed research on deep space exploration, with an eye toward interstellar possibilities. For many years this site coordinated its efforts with the Tau Zero Foundation. It now serves as an independent forum for deep space news and ideas. In the logo above, the leftmost star is Alpha Centauri, a triple system closer than any other star, and a primary target for early interstellar probes. To its right is Beta Centauri (not a part of the Alpha Centauri system), with Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon Crucis, stars in the Southern Cross, visible at the far right (image courtesy of Marco Lorenzi).

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